Can I get into Binghamtons School of Nursing?

Hi! I am a class of 2021 high school graduate currently entering her senior year of high school. College applications recently opened up and I plan on applying to Binghamtons Decker School of Nursing. I was wondering if anyone could tell me how exactly my stats may pan out and what kind of chance I may have at being accepted!

(4.0 WGPA? my school does not calculate on a 4.0 scale so I am not sure)
UWGPA: 93.489
WGPA: 97
Percentile: 25th I think. (missed 20% by 1 point)
SAT: 1240 on my PSAT since I have not been able to take a real one due to covid (am taking 2 soon)
AP’s: 6
Honors: 4
Extra Curricular’s: A job at my local library for over a year, Robotics Club, French Club, Theater Club, Leaders Club at my YMCA (on the e-board for it/run meetings and make decisions), Went to a science lab for a few months after school once a week to participate in a journal club with scientists,
Volunteering: apart of a volunteering organization for 6 years, Volunteer at a hospital in the ED for almost a year now, Homework help/ tutoring program at my library for kids since 9th grade, summer reading program volunteer since 9th grade, Volunteer at programs over the summer through my highschool since 9th grade, Feed the seniors every December since 9th grade
Awards: 10th grade Highest Achiever award in English

Binghamton is honestly a dream school of mine so I am really hoping I am able to get in. I know they are test optional for my class but I am not sure how differently they will evaluate kids who submitted ones verses kids who did not. Thank you for your time! :slight_smile:

Also Apart of NHS and CPR trained and certified