<p>So I recently received an 1850 on my SAT, and I intend on taking it again but assuming one was to receive a similar score, would they be able to get in to Brown? First, I will list my credentials-</p>
<p>-9 AP tests after Junior year (5 Eng. Lang. Comp., 5 Human Geo, 5 World History, other scores are pending
-unweighted GPA 3.5, weighted 4.2
-Class Treasurer
-President of Honor Society (my high school chapter has 50+ students out of a 300 student class)
-rank: top 10%
-President of Amnesty Int. Chapter, Vegetarian Club, LGBT Support Group, Young Feminists
-Treasurer of Env. Awareness Club
- We do stuff in these clubs, which I could elaborate on; I'm not just a leader of groups that don't do anything
-SAT 1850
-Policy Debate- 2 years
-Academic Decathlon- 2 years
-over 250 hrs of Community Service
-I have taken 5 college classes: all As (from a moderately selective private university and a public college)
-I have taken 4+ years of Spanish, 2 years of French and 2 years of Arabic
-I will have done 4 years of Soccer, 2 at the varsity level
-I have done 6 years of summer programs at the U of Iowa "Gifted and Talented" program
-I will have spent a month in Ghana teaching English and working at an orphanage
-I will have spent 6 weeks in the Philippines helping set up sustainable agriculture farms</p>
<p>I think that's about it.
Anyway, let me know what you guys think.
Oh, also, I'm a "Hispanic, not white/ Other" male from Iowa. I'm not sure if that will help but who knows.</p>
<p>I think your SAT is low and your EC’s seem kind of “spread thin,” so to speak. It seems like you only do community service abroad and you have been in a lot of your clubs for only 2 years. I wouldn’t say that you have absolutely no chance, but right now I don’t think it’s looking to good.</p>
<p>All 250 hours have been done domestically, I spend quite a bit of time on each club but I agree that being “spread thin” is an issue I have considered. Policy Debate is a class, so is Academic Decathlon, French and Arabic. Also, I was selected to be on the National Council on Youth Leadership. That all may be irrelevant but I thought I would clarify. Also, a college council told me that Policy Debate and Arabic are the two most universally desired activities for a student to be involved in, again this may be subjective and not true but I thought it would be worth saying. If I improved my SAT score, do you think my chances would increase? Or do you think it is a larger problem than that? This isn’t specific to rainbowrose either.</p>
<p>I think your chances would definitely improve A lot if you got your SAT to 2100+. Of course I’m only getting what I see right here in your “stats.” A great essay can make ALL the difference and I don’t know the extent at which you do each of your activities. Honestly, people on CC (most likely including myself although I haven’t seen results of anyone I’ve “chanced”) tend to underestimate people.</p>
<p>To OP: I would say your chances would be low due to very low SAT (for people applying yo Brown that is) and mediocre GPA. I think you have good EC’s and they might be a little bit unfocused but they seem good to me. So right now it would be a reach school but if you improved your SAT’s and just buckled down senior year (first 2 quarters) and got straight A’s then maybe you could get your GPA to 3.6 which would be better. With a 2100+ SAT and a 3.6 GPA your chances would be very good. You race is also a hook (since you’re a URM) so that should help out quite a bit.</p>
<p>That sounds like a good plan, I intend on focusing on a few ECs and on my academics. I’ll study hard for the SAT and hopefully will do well. Thanks for your advice. Anyone else have varying thoughts or reinforcement of what has been already said?</p>
<p>Definitely with current gpa/test scores, your chances of admission at Brown are extremely low. You should know that even other applicants with far superior stats get rejected.</p>
<p>The hispanic hook is huge if you ask me. Your GPA is sort of mediocore but definitely retake your SAT’s and aim for a 2100-2200 around that range. Your chances arent “extremely low” as others were saying, mainly due to your hispanic background. Good Luck and write extremely compelling essays.</p>
<p>Thanks for the impute. I’m assuming that my GPA will rise, especially as an unweighted GPA b/c I haven’t added a few classes from a CC. Also I’m retaking a class this summer. Do any of you have tips on improving one’s SAT scores?</p>
<p>uh yea. You most definitely want to get your hands on the official SAT guide by CB, Direct hits vol 2 for vocab, and if you can afford it, subscribe to the official SAT online course. The real key is to take as many practice tests as you can and go over your weaknesses.</p>
<p>Hey I’m also on Academic Decathlon Otters! You know, for some positive insight, I do think you should apply to Brown. A 3.5/4.2 is good considering 9 APs. Also, I think you should give the SAT one more go before applying. The next test date is Oct. 9 and Brown RD isnt until January. An 1850 isnt completely unfortunate, its just not “brown”. Maybe 2000+? And your ECs are just…astounding! Bottomline: youre not a nitwit. I’m sure with some fantastic essays and a nice recommendation you can get in Brown, or at least stand a fighting chance.</p>
<p>If I were a Brown admissions counselor, I’d take you in a second.</p>
<p>For one, admission counselors are literally fighting for kids like you: Hispanic; from rural, isolated states; comparatively intelligent; socially conscientious; dedicated and hardworking. SAT scores do bring you down. But everything else makes up for that.</p>