Can I get into George Washington University with an unweighted gpa of 3.4?


yes, if everything else is very strong.

My freshman year roommate at GW had a 3.0. But he also had a 35 ACT, spent one summer in Jordan, did an exchange program in Japan, and was a published author.

So yes, but you’ve got to be strong in all other aspects.

I had a 3.4 UW GPA, 2050 SAT and I got rejected as a Freshman Applicant. I wouldn’t say my EC’s, recommendations or essay’s were stellar, so I do think you have a chance as long as everything else in the app is well-prepared.

3.4 from university or from high school? Your SAT score is definitely good enough…if you have a 3.4 from university then your g.p.a really isn’t that far off and close to the middle 80 percent of applicants. With that score, some genuine recommendation letters and a well-written essay that shows you have a story to tell you may certainly have a relatively fair chance of getting in. Another thing I’d like to add is to not feel like you necessarily have to get a recommendation letter from a big name. That’s not to say that if you have a lifelong mentor who is very well-accomplished you should not get them to write the letter, but more so it means that given choice between a professor that really knows you well and that gave you a good grade and some family connection who is very successful but that vaguely knows you it’s always better to get the professor. Beyond seeing students with sheer results college admissions committees also like to see students who have a story to tell.

We need a lot more information. A 3.4 GPA isn’t an automatic disqualifier, but you’d better have a stellar app elsewhere.