can i get into hyps with these grades?

<p>frosh year-straight 5 A's
soph year-4 A-'s and 2 A's
jr year-3 A-'s and 3 A's</p>

<p>...can i get into hyps with these grades =[</p>

<p>cumulative gpa: 3.86 uw, 4.6 w</p>

<p>Hm, well I don't see any A+'s there...</p>

<p>Letter grades are only one slice of the larger picture. The most viable candidates show superior performance (mostly As) in the school's most rigorous curriculum. Solid SAT work, essay, recs and outside pursuits --- all are needed. Looking at a single metric says very little about your overall chances. Best of luck to you</p>

<p>school doesn't give A+s.</p>

<p>im just wondering if you assume that other stats are decent, if these grades would be normal or below normal</p>

<p>Well if your school doesn't give anything higher than an A, then your transcript would suggest you've received the highest marks possible at your school right?</p>

<p>I was kidding with my earlier remark. As T26E4 said, grades are only one piece of the puzzle. Most applicants to top schools will be sporting top grades as well; it's the subjective things, such as essays, recs, and ECs, which will set applicants apart.</p>

<p>I'll ask the question I always ask in a thread like this: what kind of courses were those grades in? What classes are you taking?</p>

<p>frosh year: 3 honors, 2 standard (highest you can take in my school.)
soph year: 2 APs, 4 honors (everyone else only took 1 AP...:] )
jr year: 5 APs 1 honors (everyone else only took 4 APs :p)</p>

<p>bump :]</p>

<p>on most high school transcripts the -'s and +'s don't even show up, so an A- would just show up as an A</p>

<p>for my school it shows up</p>