Can I get into Northwestern?

<p>I plan to major in Electrical Engineering. Here are my stats...</p>

<p>I'm an Asian male living in California and I am the first of my siblings to attend college</p>

<p>GPA: 4.35 (UC Weighted) 4.00 (UC non-weighted). I got a B in freshmen biology though...
SAT I: M:750 CR:660 W:690 Total: 2100
SAT II: Math IIC: 790 Physics: 730 Chemistry: 700
AP's: I took 3 AP's as a junior (chemistry, physics, art history) and I self-studied for calculus. The scores I got are: Chemistry: 5, Physic B: 5, Calculus AB: 5, Art History: 2 =(. For my senior year, I'm taking AP Lit and Comp, AP Calc BC, AP Stats, and AP German. This time I plan to self-study for physics C because my school doesn't offer it.
Rank: 32/550 (Top 6%)</p>

I'm involved in a lot of typical EC's as club as club member and stuff. The most notable ones are:
Vice President of Model United Nations
President of Physics Department in School Science Club
American Legion Boys State Nominee
Lead Singer of a High School Rock Band
Captain of Intermural Basketball Team
150 Community Service Hours as an Audio/Video Technician for a Children's Choir
Former Small Group Leader and Music Worship Leader at a Church Group</p>

<p>Thanks for everyone's opinions :).</p>

<p>You have a really good shot. What kind of school do you go to, though? It makes a difference...</p>

<p>How much does it help your chances to be a first generation student going to college?</p>

<p>Just curious...</p>

How much does it help your chances to be a first generation student going to college?


<p>Help? I don't know if it necessarily helps your chances.</p>

<p>I've been told that being a first generation student helps your chances of acceptance slightly (not that it is too significant to measure). </p>

<p>I also assume that's why CallMeGoose listed this piece of information for us to see.</p>

<p>Thanks and that's all</p>

<p>I was always under the impression that being the first to go to school would give me some sort of advantage haha. I could be wrong though...</p>

<p>When I submitted my supplement I couldn't separate my essays into paragraphs. Did anyone else have this problem?</p>

<p>^^ yeah i think everyone had that problem-- this is from the NU website:</p>

<p>Q: When I print out a copy of my application, my Northwestern Statement comes out as one large paragraph. But when I go into the essay section on the Supplement, there are multiple paragraphs. What's wrong?</p>

<p>A: Currently, our system that creates the printable PDF copies for the applicants sometimes does not understand the paragraph markers in the Northwestern Statement. But that is not the case for what we see on your application, which is exactly what you see online in the essays section. We apologize for the inconvenience.</p>

<p>Thanks raza</p>