Can I get into Purdue Engineering?

I’m extremely interested in Purdue and would love to have a second opinion on what needs more work. I know that no one can tell me whether or not I’ll get in, but some feedback would be greatly appreciated. (I’m a junior)

SAT I (breakdown): I’m taking it in May
ACT: 32 (English 35, Math 29, Reading 34, Science 30)
SAT II: n/a
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.97-ish
Weighted GPA: 4.13
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 6/155
AP : AP World (4)
IB : n/a
Junior Year Courses: Dual Credit Chemistry II, PLTW engineering courses throughout high school, AP English Lit, APUSH
Senior Year Course Load: Dual Credit English, AP Physics, AP Calc AB, AP German, AP psych, and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): Nanoline Robotics Midwest Regional Qualifier, HOBY Youth Leadership State Ambassador, E/TEI State Innovation Award.

Extracurriculars: Marksmanship Team (Varsity 10th and 11th, NRA Distinguished Expert Qualification in Air Rifle, Student Coach of the Year Award) (I’ll most likely be captain next year), Technology Student Association (President, 5th place at state coding competition)
Job/Work Experience: Work at the local movie theater for about 7 hours a week
Volunteer/Community service: I volunteer to teach younger members of my school’s marksmanship team twice a week and on some weekends. I also help tutor kids in math at the local Boys and Girls Club.
Summer Activities: I help my mom at work, and work myself. I plan on going to TSA Nationals this summer for either animatronics or flight endurance

Intended Major: Aerospace engineering or electrical engineering
State: Indiana
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: Caucasian.
Gender: Female
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): First gen, formerly in foster care

I would say you have a pretty good chance, especially being in-state - contingent on essays, recommendations, etc, obviously.

Improving your ACT math score (or SAT equivalent) would probably be the biggest individual improvement to your profile.

I agree with the above to work on getting your ACT math sub score up. That’s the only red flag I see.

That’s definitely what what I was wondering. Thanks a lot for the help!

What about me
1180 SAT (620 M, 560 R)
UW GPA: 3.85, W GPA: 4.1435
Maxed out courses at my school including AP Chem, AP Calc AB, AP Bio
Extracurriculars: Varsity Track, Varsity XC (captain), Student council Exec. Treasurer, plus a job

I responded to this in the other thread that you started.