Can I get into Texas A&M

I am ranked 180/595 students. I am currently a junior with a GPA of a 3.68 unweighted. I have taken all pre-ap or ap classes besides my history classes, and I’ll be graduating with 21 hours due to AP tests. My clubs are: french club, HOSA, student council, and NHS. I was apart of a PSAT team based on my PSAT scores being in the top 50 at my school, and I played varsity all four years for soccer at my school. I have volunteer hours at homeless shelters, my local community trash pick up and Christmas organization parties for my town, I am an algebra tutor at my school, I went on a mission trip to North Dakota to help rebuild a Native American community, and I have had an internship at a local emergency hospital for the past two summers. I am getting 6 letters of recommendation. My ACT was a 28, and my sat was a 1350. Outside of school, I compete in rodeos and play club soccer. I have had three jobs: a hostess, a clothing store cashier, and a soccer coach for 5 year olds. With all of these qualifications, what are my chances of getting accepted into A&M’s biology program for my 2020 freshman year?

@pleasehelpmex0x0 You would be considered a review applicant because you do not fall into the category of Auto or Academic Admit. The admission cycle is going on now and this year is seeing high stat applicants being offered pathway admissions. Your rank and test scores make up 50% of the admissions decision.
Based on last years reports, about 13% of review applicants were offered full admissions to A&M out of 27,000 applications. Blinn Team admissions decision does not participate with an Admissions Agreement to any of the pre nursing majors. You would have to follow the transfer course sheet and apply to transfer rather than transition if you got a Blinn Team offer, and transfer applicants are not guaranteed.

Getting your SAT and ACT up higher might help with your 2Q rank. 2Q is hard to get past because there are so many kids with great stats in 1Q applying.

Also, ACT is good but if you could get it to a 30 or higher, that might increase your chances. A&M offers an ACT on campus that is good for only using at A&M. Study hard in your weak areas and retake.

What area of TX are you from? There are areas and high schools that A&M tries to target; Are you an unrepresented minority or do very few from your high school go on to college? While not a guarantee, these things could be of help to you. A&M is very strong in its support of under served areas in Tx.

I am from central Austin area and I am white, coming from an upper-middle class area. I did an SAT course and took a mock, getting a 1440, so I’ve already signed up for an SAT at my school to try a get a higher score. My ACT I have 2 in March (one might be April, I am not sure) and have taken a course to try a get a higher score with those. I am also signed up for multiple on campus visits and have scheduled a meeting with an admissions councilor to try and show them how interested I am in attending this school. Biology is a higher admitting major and is less popular at Texas A&M, their most popular being business and engineering (especially since I am a female). Blinn Team isn’t a great option for me as I have done really well at a competitive school with almost all AP classes and only having ever gotten just a few B’s, I’d like to not go into a juco or community college (not to sound rude by any means, this is just a personal preference). I am working really hard right now to climb a few spots before my rank I’ll send off to schools comes out within these next few months (I think I can with the help of my school councilor). Any help you can offer me is greatly appreciated.

You need to be in the top 25% of your graduating class if your class ranks. If it doesn’t rank, then A&M will use your test scores and GPA and assign you one. If they put you in second quarter, your chances decrease a lot for admissions.

A&M admits the top 10% of students and academic admits
There is very little room for full admissions from the review applicant pool.
Showing interest doesn’t carry any weight for admissions unless they are considering you for an alternative pathway admissions decision and its a toss up between you and someone else. With so few spots for review admits, there will be highly qualified applicants to get those spots without the need to look at the interest they showed.

If you can graduate in the top quarter and have the SAT scores needed with sub scores, you will be an academic admit and automatically placed into your major when your application is processed. Apply as soon as possible as soon as applications open in July.

It is not only the popularity of a major but the number of seats available. Engineering has over 4000 in their freshman class on campus. Mays business accepts 1000 freshman and that is it. Visualization has a very small department and seats fill. Allied and public health also fill up. Don’t be too sure that Biology doesn’t fill up. I wouldn’t risk it by waiting too long to apply.

A&M is also shrinking their incoming freshman classes from the past two admission cycles. Fall 2017 had 534 freshman enrolled in biology and Fall 2018 had 525. Fall 2019 numbers will likely drop (figures available in Nov) and 2020 is likely to be smaller still by a few seats.