Can I get into UCI/Davis/SD?

@MWolf: UC’s do not consider Letters of Recommendation in their application review. UCB is the only UC that will ask for LOR’s from a select group of applicants.

OP can write about his Mom’s cancer as long as the essay is about OP and how it had effect on them. I did not recommend to make excuses in regards to the academics/GPA.

Thank you for all your recommendations and replies!
Instead of Oxy I am now applying to USF for better financial aid and bc i love SF
I was also wondering if CSU LB and Cal Poly Slo would be easy for me to get into?

Cal Poly SLO would be anywhere from a Reach to a possible Match depending upon applied major but CSULB is a Match. .

My CSU/UC GPA is actually a 3.77 (Capped and Weighter)

Planning on applying to their Nutritional Science major and also counting my first trimester of my senior year into my UC/CSU GPA it becomes a 3.85 which is really frustrating.

SLO uses 9-11th grades in their CSU GPA calculation and caps the Honors points at 8 semesters for any UC approved Honors/AP/IB or DE courses taken 10-11th grades.

Have you calculated your MCA points for SLO?

Nutritional Science at SLO has about a 50% acceptance which is pretty good.

I recall another post where senior year grades earned on a trimester before submitting the CSU application could be included on the application and part of the CSU GPA. Have you entered your grades and completed the a-g matchups on the application?

9-11?! isn’t it 10-11?

no not yet but will look inti it thx

MCA Points are between 3973-4023

3903 for 9-11?

Yes, SLO is different and they use 9-11th GPA. Regarding MCA points, they seem a little light to be competitive so you might want to recheck the calculation.

Yeah I got 3883