Can I get into UM?

<p>I was wondering if I had any chance of getting into UM. I really like that UM has a strong Biology undergraduate program, which would prepare me for graduate school. The only thing that bothers me is that it's ridiculously expensive. The school is also smaller than other Florida state schools, which is a positive. So, I wanted to know if I could be admitted and if I would get scholarships based on my stats. I don't know if my stats are high enough to be considered. I am a Florida resident and do have bright futures, but that will only help a little bit. I would really like to go to UM, but it will probably be a financial burden :[</p>

HS GPA: 3.64 unweighted/3.78 weighted
CC GPA: 3.75 unweighted/3.8 preprof (I have my AA and will have 78 credits completed before Fall 2011).</p>

PTK President
Vet Clinic Intern
Tutor (job)
Desk Assistant (job)</p>

<p>What are your ACT/SAT scores and class rank? That really does help. Your GPA is okay and EC are average. To put you in perspective, I had a list of EC (at least 10), rank 5 out of 695, 3.96 UW and 5.16 W GPA, but I only got a 1920 on SAT and 27 ACT. I got the Dickinson scholarship, which is for 20k</p>

<p>As a transfer student, my scores are not required. I just want to know if my gpa is can get me in. My stats definitely do not compare to yours. I’m a good student, but I’m not the “best.”</p>

<p>The UM website outlines available scholarships for transfer students - looks like a gpa of 3.75 is the miminum required: </p>

<p>[Transfer</a> Academic Scholarships | Enrollment Management | University of Miami](<a href=“]Transfer”></p>

<p>Here’s the disclaimer:
Students who meet the minimum GPA criteria are not guaranteed a scholarship. Students are evaluated on their overall academic performance and are given priority consideration if all academic credentials are received by the March 1 priority application deadline. Transfer student grade point averages are calculated by the University of Miami Office of Admission.</p>

<p>I hope you are able to attend - I think UM is a great school!