sat2-taking in october(expecting 700+ on math2 and chem)
im an international student,
school doesnt have a gpa system
9th grade- 73%
10th grade-95.2%(national exam)
11th grade-69%
the reason for my bad grades is that my school gives out horrible grades to everyone. that 95.2 wasnt checked by the school but was evaluated by the national council since we have to give a board exam in the 10th and 12th
all 4 yrs of high school ive been in the top 5% of my school</p>
4 yrs soccer(captain senior yr)
4 yrs tennis
3 yrs volleyball
a couple of MUN's
gold medal in national science olympiad for coming 1st in school
creative writing competition
regional debate competition</p>
<p>Reccommendations-havent recieved them yet but expecting amazing one's
essays- will be good hopefully
so can i get in for mechE???( i was told not to apply because my chnaces are slim to none)</p>
<p>below average chance, but of course you CAN, but will you? who knows. Why not apply anyway?</p>
<p>i am retaking the sat(expecting a 2150)
will the 69% in my 11th be the reason they will immedietly reject me or will they still consider me?</p>
<p>UMich considers GPA as one of the largest factors in admission. Unless adcoms are familiar enough with your school to know that the very low GPA is explainable, there’s a very good chance that’s what will get you rejected. I suppose there’s not much you can do about that but hope they’ve done their research. Also, your SAT score is rather low so you’ll want to boost that up as much as possible. Stress less about your SAT IIs (they won’t help much) and study for your SAT. Aim for AT LEAST a 2200 because international admissions (and engineering) are extremely competitive.
I’m not trying to sound harsh, only realistic. You should definitely apply and see what happens. Best of luck.</p>
<p>thank you, i will definitely work on my sat1, will applying early help anyhow?</p>
<p>Yes. Apply EA if possible.</p>
<p>but i am retaking the sat1 in november so if im applying early then it will be with my current sat score, should i still apply early??</p>
<p>Why not take ACT in September or October?
On the other hand, Umich does not require SAT2.</p>
<p>havent even considered the ACT 
are the english sections easier on the act?? if that is the case then ill give it a try</p>
<p>I’m not sure what you define as “easier”… I’m pretty sure they’re about equal in difficulty but some people perform better on the ACT and some people do better on the SAT. Note that the ACT also has a science section.</p>
<p>im good at science, so i guess ill give it a try 
but ive already registered for retaking the sat, hopefully a 2150 will be good enough to get me in, will it??(im not sure)</p>