Can I get into UMich

Do I have a chance at UMich, my gpa was a 3.5, but I had a positive upward trend (2.8,2.7, 4.0/4.7, 4.0/5.0) 4 years of varsity sports, 2 leadership positions, in state, 1580, 35 act.

Admission to the University of Michigan (UMich) is competitive and depends on factors like academic performance, test scores, extracurricular activities, essays, and more. A strong academic record and involvement in extracurriculars relevant to your intended field of study can improve your chances of acceptance. However, there are no guarantees, and it’s important to present a well-rounded application that aligns with UMich’s admissions criteria.

Yes, you definitely have a chance especially if you are in-state. I’ve seen people with 3.1 get into Ross, so it does happen if you are otherwise strong and there is a compelling story behind the grades. The upward trajectory is great but that said th e low GPA will still be a drag.

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Have you graduated from high school? Are you applying as a transfer student, or are you taking a gap year and re-applying to colleges?

How does your school do with similar scores? Naviance might help in this. You are an upside down applicant. Having solids grades in senior year really, really helps. Lots of schools will discount freshman year since it can be a large adjustment. Aceing out senior year with some rigor will help greatly. Do that if you can.

What are you applying to?

Lsa 3.9 (unweighted) 32-35 and engineering is 3.9 /34 Act. You being instate is your plus. Instate has been really hard the last few years. Make your essay count.

I am assuming after two looks it’s 3 years of first semester /second semester grades.

It’s my freshman 2.7, sophomore 2.6, junior 4.0 UW, 4.7 W, and senior, 4.0 UW/ 5.0 W. I took 7 AP clases

Are you in state or out of state? In state obviously has better chance. If you are out of state, which state? Also, do you have any hooks? (URM, etc?) The upward trend will help and your junior and senior year grades are perfect (how do you already know your senior grades, or is this a projection?) You should try to address what happened in freshman and sophomore year somewhere on your application (additional info?) because those grades are pretty low.

Your school counselor should address any extenuating circumstances that affected your freshman and sophomore year grades.

I will say, if this is COVID related, everyone applying had the same educational issues…and this likely won’t help…as others were able to achieve well.

Your SAT and ACT scores actually support a much stronger GPA those first two years…barring some extenuating circumstances…

What is the reason for those quite lower grades your first two years of high school?

I am instate, but the reason my freshman and sophomore year grades were so low is a combination of me not taking it serious and not having a stable living situation (bouncing around from grandparent to grandparent houses, etc)

Please discuss this with your school counselor. They are in a good position to discuss the unstable living situation…especially if they knew about it.

I wouldn’t mention “not taking it seriously”. That sounds more like an excuse than a reason.

Instate at a private school, which I think has hard grading. 100-95 A, 94-92 A-, 91-88 b+, 87-85 B, 84-81 b-

So this is actually good for you since the schools AO will know about your school profile /report card.

What are you doing this year? Are you taking a gap year?


Have you graduated from high school? Or are your senior year grades projections.


And is your SAT/ACT actual scores….or projections?


I think schools might want to see your first semester grades, which will impact some EA or ED.


Actually for ED and EA, this student will be submitting grades through 11th grade only for admission purposes.
