Can I get into VT Engineering for CS?

Hi, I’m applying to Virginia Tech ED this year as a freshman and I was looking for some opinions to see if I should keep my hopes up or move on. I’m CS for VA and my stats are:

GPA: 3.45 :frowning:
SAT: 1330
ACT: 31 (33 ACT Math and 34 ACT Science)
Math II (projected): 800
Physics (projected): 750
Rank: Not high.
Major: Computer Science
Previously taken:
AP Calculus AB
AP Computer Science
AP Chemistry
Currently taking:
AP Calculus BC
AP Physics C: Mechanics
AP Biology DE.

Computer Science Internship last summer at NOVA Systemic.
5 year tournament-winning VEX Robotics leader (engineering, design, programming).
^ mentored 3/5 new members last year and still did well. Been to worlds and states multiple times.
Chapter leader of a local volunteer organization PASTA (Peers And Students Taking Action) Won “Most Involved Chapter Leader” award and “Chapter of the Year” two times.
Volunteer every year for elementary/middle age kids about STEM.

Thanks so much for your help!

What are your AP scores and grades range for those STEM based classes?

@collegeforward My AP scores and grades are both average…

VT is definately going to be a stretch - I would also try applying to JMU and VCU Engineering.

I agree with @cbl1 . VT is definitely going to try and lower the acceptance rate this year and a 3.45 isn’t the best look, even with the APs. If you really want to go Tech next year, I would definitely try and apply to one of the smaller majors, like the Data Science, in the College of Science and then transfer into CS sophomore year. Either that, or you could go to NOVA or GMU and do an easy transfer there after freshman year.

@cbl1 @ak2018 Are my essays, application deadline, or writing an email to the AO able to improve my chances in anyway?

Making sure you answer the essays completely (all parts of questions answered) and going Early Decision are about the best you can do.