can i get into VT

<p>can i get into Vt? applying for engineering. out of state. what about if i apply early decision?
GPA: 3.6 Unweighted, 4.3 weighted
27 act: with 32 on math and 29 on science... iam taking it again hoping for a 28
AP courses: AP Psych 4, AP enviro 4, AP human Geo 4... and taking AP Calculus AB, AP Psychs B, and AP Macro this year
all of the other classes that i have taken are honors
Extracirricular: 4 years varsity rowing, freshman captain
ap scholar award
Spanish honor society
155 comunity service hours
completed internship with solar panel company</p>

<p>I think you look okay, but there are no guarantees anymore. Engineering is one of the harder schools to get into at VT, but your GPA seems within range. I admit I don’t know much about the ACT scoring so perhaps someone else will comment and give you some idea on that - guessing you didn’t take the SAT. I suggest you ask your guidance counselor how many from your school applied/were admitted in previous years. Each college has somewhat of a relationship with a school, and they have their “minimum GPA” cutoff.</p>

<p>thanks.most people who have applied there have gotten in , however not many people from my school apply there.</p>

<p>and how about my act scores are they strong enough? ( standardized test is my weak point) anybody elses input would be helpful :)</p>

<p>A 27 on the ACT equals a 1210-1230, a 28 equals 1240-1270. I would definitely take it again (maybe even go to B & N and buy a practice book to look through and do some of the practice tests). Out of state is going to make it a bit tougher and applying to engineering will also. However, from what we heard from the adcoms there, they try to look more at the strength of your schedule and GPA for your high school classes than at the board scores. You look great in that area. Good luck to you!</p>

<p>Thanks I just took the act on sat and I think I did really good. I am thinking I got like a 29 hopefully. Would that make me more likely to get in?</p>

<p>I wouldn’t sweat it Cdude. You look good.</p>

<p>I got accepted!!!</p>

<p>That’s great, collegedude! Congratulations!</p>

<p>congratulations, i advise start review and get ready lol
i just spent all my senior year and summer chill and now i have to spent all day studying since so much more work here</p>