Can I get into Wisc?

<p>Hey people.</p>

<p>Chance me:</p>

<p>First of all, some things about me so you get an idea, if these will be suitable for me or now.</p>

<p>I'm an Indian student. I'm 17 year old now (March 2011) and I'll be completing my class XII (high school) in March 2012. So, I'm looking for a Sep 2012 intake.. I'm looking to apply somewhere around August 2011. So, my first question is can I do this? I mean, by the time I apply, my schooling wouldn't be complete.</p>

<p>Here are my class scores from last 3 years.
Class IX = 85%
Class X = 86%
Class XI = 79%</p>

<p>Also, I've been an active in badminton and have represented my school in numerous (50+) badminton tournaments, and won majority of them. I've played badminton at National level for 3 consecutive years..</p>

<p>Other than sports, I've been to other various competitions, and won them.</p>

<p>Next up is my SAT. It was pretty low: 1700. Should I take the SAT again?</p>

<p>Also, some people told me that TOEFL is required, some told only SAT is enough. So, should I take the TOEFL, too?</p>

<p>Also, I'm interested in Computer Sciences.</p>

<p>Help me guys…</p>


<p>We don’t know how to interpret your grades. Those numbers from an American school probably aren’t good enough, but the Indian system is different.
As you know, your SAT score is far too low.</p>

<p>I’m also an International student living in Belgium. I would say that your scores are good. In Belgium… 90% is considered very good. It must be the same as in India, maybe a little less difficult.
You will need to take the TOEFL if your SAT written and comprehension scores are lower than 550.
I personally took the SAT 3 times (I knew that the first time didn’t really count. The second time, my score was up by 200 and the third time by a 100. So in total, 300 points better than the first time) and the TOELF 1 time.</p>

<p>Your grades are hard to judge. One of my best friends at NYU 30+ years ago was in the middle of the pack in Hong Kong grades around (H???). I was an ‘A’ student and I was not in his league, he was multiple levels smarter. His SAT’s were very high. I would retake the SAT, if you can’t score in the range of 1300 then take the ACT.</p>

<p>You need to find a way to translate your grades into the 4.0 = A system, with no adding points for honors courses (no grade “weighting”). It is important to have taken the most rigorous curriculum your HS offers- not every course, but many. UW also looks at improving grades when an overall gpa is lower, your lower gpa this year compared to previous years is not a good sign. The junior year, this third year of HS, is the last full year any admissions committee will see and your gpa is therefore very important. The extracurriculars are not as important as the academics. Your SAT score is not impressive. </p>

<p>Read the UW website freshman admissions information. Do your homework regarding the above and ask yourself if you feel like you are a good candidate. If you feel average for the UW student body you are likely to struggle more than the average student as you will also be learning a new culture and be far from your family’s support. </p>

<p>UW may be your dream school, but after doing all of the work I suggest you will either be motivated to apply or decide to wait for grad school.</p>

<p>OK. Here’s a conversion table I found for converting 10 Point system to a 4 Point System.</p>

<p>4 Excellent 8-10 Excellent
3 Good 6-7 Good
2 Passing 3-5 Passing
1 Failure 1-2 Failure </p>

<p>So, according to this chart, my GPA should be 3+.</p>

<p>SAT is low for sure. I don’t know, if you can be considered as a recruited athlete? You need to check with admissions.</p>

<p>You need to translate officially- ask your school- they will have to do it if you apply to UW. Your scale looks very innaccurate. US students often get percentages on tests that get converted to A/B/C… but don’t use that. btw- if you think you have a “3+” you only have a B average- not very good for UW.</p>