Can I get rescinded for quitting ECs?

I got accepted into my dream school that I plan to eroll in, but am contemplating whether I should quit an EC. It’s one that I just started participating in 12th grade, but I don’t enjoy it. However, I haven’t quit it yet because I’m scared that the college might check and see that I quit the EC and rescind my acceptance. Is this logical reasoning or do colleges not check ECs for accepted students who enroll and I have nothing to worry about?

You have nothing to worry about.

I can’t see any way this would hurt you. In the highly unlikely event you are asked, you could claim you needed more time for your homework.

And the fact is you did participate this year, just not for the entire year. You are fine.

In all likelihood, an EC you only started this year is not one that they cared about anyway.

You will be fine.

I agree. Do things you enjoy.
Is there anything else you enjoy?