<p>So I am currently enrolled in a CC in Washington with...sub par academic standing. I have a 2.68 cumulative GPA and I'm in my second year of an Electrical Engineering major. Yeah. Ouch. Not a day goes by that I think that maybe I'm just not cut out to be an engineer..or for college at all. I've been working a full time job for the past two years, and I've basically been completely on my own ever since I turned 18..a year and a half ago. I'm trying to find places to transfer to, but I don't know if I will be accepted anywhere. My Linear Algebra professor suggested that I try my luck with GA Tech, Purdue, and Seattle U....But I don't come anywhere close to the minimum admission requirements for both the university and their respective engineering colleges. Here's where I've applied so far:</p>
<p>The Ohio State University for Spring 2012 - Accepted
Yes, I know, I was accepted, woohoo! But, I will not be attending because I can not afford it and my GPA is below the minimum GPA requirements for the college of engineering (I'd be considered under "pre-major" status, anyway).</p>
<p>University of Washington for Summer 2012 - still waiting
This is a complete tossup. I have no clue if I will get in. I don't have enough credits to directly enroll into the College of Engineering, so I would be considered as a "pre-engineering" major in the College of Arts and Sciences while I complete the prerequisites. My GPA is horrible in comparison to a vast majority of people all over the country doing Engineering, but I have a definite upward trend in my grades (2.35-2.88...not that it would make much of a difference..), I wrote a very well written and honest personal statement, and I will appeal if my outlook doesn't look too great. I listed Astronomy/physics major as my second major, so I will be considered for that major as well as Engineering. Even though in 2010 there was one person who was admitted into the UW College of Engineering with a 2.5-2.74, I have a feeling that I won't be as lucky...All I can do is hope.</p>
<p>I have no idea where else I could apply. I'd like to go somewhere with a respectable Electrical Engineering program, but I don't think universities with respectable EE programs will allow someone with a 2.68 GPA...no matter how good of a personal statement they write. I also come from a relatively low income family, and getting financial aid is...hard (some issues that my parents need to work out).</p>
<p>Where else could I apply/What can I do? I feel like I'm losing hope and confidence.</p>