Can I go to a good law school after Alabama?

<p>Our oldest went to an Ivy…it’s not for everyone. We tried our best to convince her that she might think about going to a state school (full ride) and then going to a prestigious grad school. She would have none of it and in the long run it has worked out well although she does not use the engineering degree we paid dearly for ( we have told all 4 of ours we will pay for 4 years anywhere they want to go but then we’ll have to “talk”). She currently is a production coordinator for film and has signed on with CBS to do their fall series “A Gifted Man”.<br>
My point it that you need to go where it’s the best fit for you!
Paying4…I am so glad that you did the federal clerkship. DH was offered a clerkship but we were expecting and so he jumped right into the proverbial “sweat shop” situation. It paid the bills (and the health insurance !) but he worked very long hours! Making partner helped and although he now travels A LOT!!! he did have a period when the kids were young that he was around to help coach little league, see plays and attend kid activities. His hard work allowed me to teach in a private catholic school and do the volunteering.<br>
For those of you who are considering law school or grad school or even just college…Paying is right…free education allows you have wayyyy more choices in life. If you can come out debt free then by all means go for it. I know from experience that although the bigger more well known and “prestigious” law school might help with the networking side of job hunting ,any ,any firms today look at your class rank, whether you were on Law Review, what activities you were involved in, Moot Court ect. Hard work pays off :).</p>

<p>I have to chime in and agree with the high LSAT/high class rank. DH is an attorney, and in their current crop of hires which is VERY competitive, it is often the home state law school kids that get hired, and ALWAYS top performers. WRITING is very very important, the interns that are asked back are great writers, and self starters. </p>

<p>There is a big demand for patent lawyers in our market, and they get paid a premium (they make about 30% more than others right out of the gate.) So if you have a gift for math, be an engineer etc.</p>

<p>The others are absolutely right, do what you do best, and do it well, and there is no limit to where you can go, and what you can be!!</p>

<p>I’m not ashamed to say that I had to break out my dictionary and thesaurus while reading this thread. I guess I should have attended a few more of those 9am English classes instead of sleeping in :-)</p>

<p>^^ and less trips to Taco Casa at late hours of the night. ;)</p>