Can i handle transfering to jhu?

I will actually be transfering from a Community College in Virginia to a four year institute very soon after i fulfill my Associates in Business. And i was hoping someone can help me with 1 MAIN QUESTION that it comes down to...but let me give you little bit of my background..</p>

<p>In highschool i had a 2.0, and do have a learning disability as well as ADHD. I hate for these two things to stop me from doing anything in college. However, it DOES take me twice as much as others of studying time, to receive the grade i hope for. </p>

<p>Now at community college i have a 3.7 and also a officer of the rotaract. I have worked Verrry hard for my grades. That being said, after the first semester i learned the hard way that to get genuinly good teachers that UNDERSTAND my hard work i would have to look onto to search for the best teacher teaching the certain class. NOT because i wanted an easy teacher but because i needed to have a teacher that could SEE that i show up to class everyday on time and take my class seroiusly, but sometimes i just mess up on test no matter how much i studied.</p>

<p>Teachers that take into consideration, the students hard work. Rather than the class being based off of; a MIDTERM, FINAL and a PAPER. These classes NEVER worked for me so on the first day of class, even if i sensed that the teacher will be rather mean NOT flexible, i would drop the class ASAP, and i know im not the only one that would do so. I could typically tell how the teacher would be for the rest of the semester from the first day of class on out. </p>

<p>I NEED TEACHERS THAT CAN SEE MY HARDWORK!!!!....Because for me in college that is what it comes downto...</p>

<p>NOW that you know where i come from (Not naturally smart)
.....I have applied to a few different schools, Johns Hopkins University, George Mason University, George Washington, UCI.etc. </p>

<p>I would realllllllllllly love to attend Johns Hopkins University, but im basically, well... Scared! afraid i wont be able to handle it, i know i do have a 3.7 But i feel like that doenst mean anything. Because i was able to do so by finding professors that will work with me, even if i didnt get the best grade on a test, our grade would also be based on attentance, class participation, projects. etc....I was good with those!!!</p>

<p>Again i would reallllllly appreciate it if anyone could help me out. I have read a couple reviews on other websites from students that attend JHU, but they say it is not for everyone and im scared that, I am actually one of those people they refer to when they say not everyone can handle it...even though id love to attend JHU.</p>

<p>Any help?
thanks again!!!!!!</p>

<p>I got into GMU but I don’t know if I really want to transfer out of CT or not. It’s a huge school!</p>

<p>If you get in, you should go to JHU. It’s well respected and it should work out for you even if it leads to a slightly lower GPA (unless you want to go to law/med school).</p>

<p>It sounds like you are the type of student a top tier school like JHU wants. You have the work ethic, and I think that is the most important element. If you get in you should definetly go. I just wanted to say that reading your story was very inspirational, and I think that you can be whatever it is you want to be in life. Good luck and stay strong xD</p>