<p>I was looking thorugh the MIT courses offered today and I was a bit worried since I didnt find what I was really looking for that was Web Design, Programming and Business.</p>
<p>I basically want to do Computer Science and Business..</p>
<p>Did I go to the wrong place or I cant get these things @ MIT?</p>
<p>Bear in mind, it is an 'H'-level graduate credit, so it ain't for beginners (although I know several people who have done it, and it seems manageable). It's also for some odd reason is housed in the Civil Engineering department. But hey, don't say that MIT doesn't offer a formal course on web-design. If you can survive that class, you'll be a pretty decent web designer.</p>
<p>it's a joint class, as evidenced by the J; not that Engineering Systems makes any more sense than civ.e, but i don't know much about either.</p>
<p>i get the sense you're thinking more about cs-architecture-type things (besides the programming != CS bit) i have v. little specific knowledge of these things, but i'm pretty sure that somewhere in course 6 is probably something that's at least theoretically similar (the details/implementation may be different) to what you're intending.</p>
<p>an actual course VIer should step in, here.</p>
<p>as many as you like, really; "standard load" is 48 units, ie, 4 12-unit classes. first two terms you're capped at 54 and 57 units, respectively; a typical degree requires at least 180 units past the GIRs.</p>
<p>that's all off the top of my head. anyone else, clarifications/amplifications?</p>
<p>I thought y'all were looking for a relatively mild introduction to web development. 1.264J is no joke, but isn't legendarily difficult either. If you want true hardcore web software architecture development, it's hard to beat the dynamic duo of:</p>
<p>6.170 - Laboratory in Software Engineering
6.171 - Software Engineering for Web Applications</p>
<p>These 2 classes are the classic 'drinking from the firehouse' classes. After you complete them, you will either find that you absolutely love web application development or that you never want to have to write another web application ever again in your life.</p>
<p>man I want soooooooooooo much to go to MIT now
finally I found an uni that is like the perfect match for me I can learn everything I want like on the BEST place in the world.</p>
<p>When my exams are done I will start asking admissions tips.. =)</p>