Can I list these as ECs?

<p>My friends and I started and edited a creative writing magazine at my school, but this was in 8th grade (tried doing this in 9th grade, but didn't get enough submissions to publish). Could I include this as an EC?</p>

<p>I've also played guitar for 4 years and djembes for 2 years but not in any organized way. Counts as an EC?</p>

<p>Colleges generally only care about things you did in high school, unless it's something really exceptional (e.g., Scripps Spelling Bee winner). But it doesn't need to be an "organized" activity - if you've been spending time on it, then it's worthwhile. So guitar, yes; djembes, yes (and cool!); creative writing magazine, no.</p>

<p>Ok, thanks.</p>