Can I make it into nursing without any related activities in high school?

Hi, I’m a rising senior from Texas, and I’ve recently started to gain an interest in majoring in nursing in college. However, it has come to my attention that a lot of times, colleges favor/require a bunch of prerequisite activities/accomplishments to be admitted to the nursing school. The schools I am thinking about are UT Austin and A&M. If I have no experience in this field, do I have any chance for making into their nursing programs? And if I don’t have any chance what should I do?

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See the questions on UT Austin, can you answer them?
Can you volunteer at a hospital, or some other setting/ food bank, homeless shelter?

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In a nutshell you can. Obviously Covid has changed HS students ability to intern or work in anything health related. Volunteer work though would make a high school resume more attractive.

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If you wind up not getting into nursing, don’t fret. Get a degree in a related field in college and do an accelerated BSN - RN program after. Work on your activities and volunteering in health field during college. Or, get an RN degree at county college and then do RN-BSN degree at other 4 year college after…there is always a way …

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