Can I make it to class on time?

<p>I sceduled my classes at Bama bound yesterday and didn’t think to ask if I could easily make it to my classes with the amount of time between them. Now I realize I’ve got two 10 minute breaks between classes. So:
Can I make it from SHLB to SERC in 10 minutes?
Can I make it from LY to HC in 10 minutes?
And sorry about the abbreviations. I’m still not familiar with building names. Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>I’m not sure about the first one…but if “HC” stands for Honors College then you’re fine- its next door to Lloyd Hall.</p>

<p>This should help :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Find the building name on the drop down list on the map using the link provided and it shows you where it is and it’s abbreviation.<br>
I also posted the abbreviation list below it for reference. </p>

<p>Not sure about the timing to get to and from but the map and list should at least let you visualize the distance and route.</p>

<p><a href=“Page Not Found | The University of Alabama”>Page Not Found | The University of Alabama;

<p>AB Alston Hall
AD Adams Hall
AIME Alabama Institute Manufacturing Excellence
BC B. B. Comer Hall
BD Bidgood Hall
BE Bevill
BL Bruno Library/Bashinsky Computer Center
BOM Bureau of Mines
BR Oliver - Barnard Hall
BW Barnwell Hall
BY Biology Building
CA Carmichael Hall
CD Child Development Center
CL Clark Hall
CM Capstone Medical Center</p>

<p>DI Dauphin Island
DO Doster Hall
EA East Annex
FA Farrah Hall
FE Ferguson Center
FO Foster Auditorium
GA Garland Hall
GD Gadsden Undergraduate Center
GL Gallalee Hall
GP Gordon Palmer Hall
GR Graves Hall
HC H. M. Comer (Mineral Industries Building)
HO Houser Hall
HR Hardaway Hall
LB Gorgas Libray
LI Little Hall
LW Law Center
LY Lloyd Hall
MA Manly Hall
MC Coleman Coliseum
ML McClure Library
MM Moody Music Building
MO Moore Hall
MP Martha Parham Hall (Continuing Education)
MR Morgan Hall
NA Natatorium
NO Nott Annex
NT Nott Hall
OS Osband
PATY Paty Hall
PH Reese Phifer Hall
RJ Rowand - Johnson Building
RL Rodgers’ Library for Science and Engineering
RS Rose Administration Building
SC The Stallings Center
SEC Science and Engineering Complex
SERC South Engineering Research Center
SCF Scientific Collections Facility
SHLB Shelby Hall
SM Smith Hall
SR Student Recreation Center
SS Student Services Center
RH Russell Hall
TB To Be Announced
TH Ten Hoor Hall
TT Temple Tutwiler (Old Alumni)
TN Tennis Courts
TU Tuomey Hall
TW Julia Tutwiler Hall
WI Wilson Hall
WO Woods Hall</p>

<p>HC is the abbreviation we prefer to use when referring to the Honors College. The classes for HC are held in Nott Hall, generally.</p>

<p>Asaunmom-I did notice that HC on the list stands for H.C. Comer bldg, not to be confused with Honors College, just in case anyone was going to Mineral Sciences.</p>


<p>Right, it is confusing. Here on CC, we tend to call the honors college, HC, but for building abbreviations, HC stands for HC Comer.</p>

<p>Yes, you can make it from HC Comer to Lloyd Hall in 10 minutes but don’t dawdle.</p>

<p>And, SHLB is close to SERC, since they’re both part of the Science and Eng’g Complex.</p>

<p>So I should be fine? I was worried because that was the only way I could get those classes all scheduled.</p>

Yeah- it’s a 1-2 minute walk from SHLB to SERC, and HM Comer to Lloyd should take around 5 or so minutes if you walk quickly</p>

<p>You’ll be fine. Walking at a decent pace should get you there in time, even between HM Comer and Lloyd.</p>

<p>I have a 15 minute break to make it from shlb to ly, and then shlb to gl–is that enough time?</p>