Can I move out of the triple dorm and possibly move in to a single?

Hey guys, I attend UCSD and am a first year. I live in the res hall in a triple room and I’m absolutely tired of this dorm life.
I hate my roommates and want to move out early but I can’t commute or anything so I’m just really depressed and stressed.
It’s affecting me in everything… I lost my motivation to do any homework or studying and all I do is cry and sleep.
I don’t even eat anymore… I don’t know what to do and I’m even considering dropping out of college.
So basically, I hate my dorm life because of my roommates.
My roommates are very loud, they go to sleep at 2 in the morning everyday and wake up really late. I’m used to going to bed around 11 and waking up early but oh well, if I have to change my sleep schedule I’m fine with that.
Anyways, they also eat my food and use my things. One of my roommate always drink my water bottle (cuz I put it on the floor) he always take it without asking me. I didn’t know it at first but I caught him ( he was taking my water when I was sleeping) so I told him that it’s fine that he takes my water, but he just gotta ask so I’m not like going crazy about my missing water bottles. So he does ask now, but he asks once a day like in the morning he would be like “i’m taking your water” and he takes it and then he takes more during the day cuz he thinks it’s ok now to take more because he asked me in the morning. And i’m just like ■■■ just go buy it in the market dude. But he doesn’t cuz he’s like " why buy water when I can take it from my roommate?" and I don’t want to say no because he takes it anyways when I’m not in the room.
and he doesn’t do anything. he doesn’t clean the room nor take out the trash. I do everything. I tell him to wipe the window at least and again, he takes all my wipes and is very reluctant in using his own.
My other roommate is fine but he also takes my stuff and they talk trash about me.
I try to leave my dorm every time so that I don’t have to face them but whenever I leave my room they take something away from me and I just don’t like it. I tell them that they have to ask me but I don’t think that they understand.
Also, they watch movies whenever I try to sleep so pretty much, I don’t get enough sleep all the time.
I really want to move out early and hopefully move in to a single if I can I’m willing to pay anything lol
I really don’t think I can handle this for the whole year. I still have a lot to say about them but I don’t want to make this post too long. Like them sleeping late and taking my stuff I guess I’m fine with it but they talk trash about me and purposely lock me out and give me the cues that they hate me.
What should I do?

No one on CC can tell you if you can move but you should talk with your RA about the problems you are having with your roomies. You need also contact UCSD housing if it is possible for you to move citing your roommate problems.