Can I put my current rank on my application if it differs from what it says on my transcript? [App question]

My teacher gave me my current ranking as of this October. However, on my transcript my ranking is based on last year.

I would say “no”, since there is no official documentation of the new ranking.

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Can I put my current rank on my application if it differs from what it says on my transcript? [App question]

Can you? Sure. You have free will and know how to use a keyboard.

Should you? No. You need to match your transcript.

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I agree…match the transcript. Does your teacher or counselor LoR show the new ranking? Assuming the transcript was run after summer school classes were reported, how could rankings change by October??

My school does ranking weird. Because our grades are done quarterly, are ranks change every fourth of the school year, however, rankings are only posted two times, once in February of your junior year, and once in January on your senior year, these are the ones posted on the transcript. We can not see out current rankings unless a teacher tells us, like in my case.

Will your school counselor be mentioning this new rank? If not…you shouldn’t either.

And what is the change anyway. It might not actually matter.

Many colleges don’t consider class rank at all, or it’s not high on their list of considerations for applicants. This is mostly because there are a gazzillion ways to compute class rank.


Let the school report it.

Why sow doubt with the readers…

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I agree with all of the above. Are you on the cusp for schools like Texas, where rank matters?

have guidance deliver the message vs you.

have the new/update come from an official source than equates to the source of the originally published ranking. they can either call on your behalf or send a message to your specific AO or do BOTH.

you should not be the one to deliver this update.

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