can I raise my critical reading score :s

<p>My june SAT score is 2010. math 800 writing 690 (essay 9 MC 69) critical reading 520. Yeah, I know reading score is awful and I urgently want to raise it. Can anyone help me? Please give me some advice to raise this score, because I want to be more competitive at prestigious colleges. plssss</p>

<p>I am a new one here and I just saw a thread similar to mine. I've read it and find it helpful but I will find any other advice useful</p>

<p>I didn't take SAT yet, but when I started preparing for it I scored around 600. For 2 month I've been learning new words 50-100 a helped greatly, now I score 700.</p>

<p>damn how do u manage 50-100 words.. i did 20 words a day and gave up after 100 words too boring...</p>

<p>Have a look at the ACT. It's an alternative to the SAT (accepted by all colleges) and its English section tests grammar instead of vocab: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>^Agreed. Take a look at the ACT, some people tend to do better on that than on the SATs. But in any case, raising your critical reading score is definitely possible. My advice is:
1- practice. Soon you'll get the hand of what the questions are really asking for and you'll be a lot quicker at finding the answers in the text. Remember a huge party of the SAT is time management, most kids could probably ace it if they had all the time in the world, the trick is doing the same thing with limited time.
2- Read. Grab a novel, or a news article, or anything you can find that is written in english ( educated english, not slang, that won't help you at all). Reading higher level books, with a dictionary at hand, is a much more entertaining way to learn new vocabulary than going through flash cards, not to mention the added value of cultural enrichment.
3- Write. When you write you are also practicing your overall english skills and this will definitely help you in the test.</p>

<p>read and learn words u can bring it up by a lot.</p>

<p>True - success on the SAT depends more on the acuity of your test-taking skills than on the knowledge you have. I think the passages are the huge time-killers. Figure out a way to get through them quickly. You don't always have to read the passage first to answer the first few questions.</p>

<p>And if the end you don't improve your score, forget it, move on and focus on other parts of your applications.</p>

<p>I don't know how much time you have, but it's not always easy to slug through books you may not like. I made vocab. flashcards for my friends during the year prior to my first SAT, and in the process, went through the dictionary three times. You also may not have time for that. But whatever you do, practice. It doesn't always work, but it helps.</p>

<p>thanks guys
I'll do my best</p>