Can I rant please?

<p>Okay, so I'm going to rant really quick...and then I'll take arguments. lol</p>

<p>I am soooo sick and tired of these freaking trolls on the AA board. I have no problem with them being nonblack, but when you are disrespectful and just want to complain to other AAs on this board that they don't deserve to be in a school because it was "Affirmative Action", you just crossed the line!</p>

<p>I mean really who are you to judge ANYONE! Most of you are little high schoolers or seniors barely getting out of high school. You don't know what the world really is yet. You're still stuck in mommy's bubble, and you want too judge someone? HA!</p>

<p>And then, when they try and argue it, they can't even come up with a good enough reason and evidence on why it is wrong. All I hear in their evidence is " ME ME ME " Who cares what you been through! Stop being a spoiled brat and grow up. </p>

<p>If you want to talk about how much you hate AA, then go rant on another board. You just going on this board that is for a minority is too much. </p>

<p>I bet 500 dollars and pinky toe that these people would never EVER say this in front of a minority because they are only internet personalities. Just because we cant see you and that we are not in person does NOT mean that you be rude and forget your manners(if you ever got any)</p>

<p>Okay..I'm done...might update this</p>

<p>Affirmative Action is wrong and racist…on any board…in person or on the internet. Just wrong. 17 & 18 year olds claiming hey are “owed” something for injustices done to their ancestors is also wrong…on any board…in person or on the internet. Just wrong.</p>

<p>Okay…I’m done…might update this later…</p>

<p>Tell me why AA is right. Can you tell me what instigated AA?</p>



<p>17 & 18 year olds (and, heck even parents) believing they’re justified to determine who’s “qualified” enough is also wrong…on any board…in person or on the internet. Just wrong.</p>

<p>aglages and david the fat.</p>

<p>Exactly. doing exactly what im ranting about. you two are some of the most users yet(well not most but some of them)</p>

<p>Affirmative Action is not a “pay back”. ITs providing a better opportunities for those who show promise and determination to succeed in a college enviornment. These people are chosen from minority backgrounds from low income areas MOST of the time. IT is an attempt to bringing diversity to the campus. </p>

<p>Life is not fair. Admission is not fair. Affirmative action is not racist at all. you call it racist because you don’t benefit from it.</p>

<p>Admission is not equal. The world is not equal. So suck it up and shut up. If you want to change it, build your own university don’t allow affirmative action and see how much criticism you will get because your school is “racist” and not"diverse".</p>

<p>Once you’ve done it and experienced it, then you can say something. </p>

<p>ugh! 5 year olds these days=/ they seem to look and talk older all the time.</p>


No…I call Affirmative Action racist because it is “discrimination or prejudice based on race”.

What kind of 5 year old childish comment is this? Who built the UC colleges? Public colleges across the country are eliminating AA for admissions because the voting public has had enough of this discriminatory practice and the unjustified sense of entitlement the recipients seem to demand.</p>

<p>“Our culture has done African Americans a great disservice by engendering a sense of entitlement among them, and they do themselves an even greater one by insisting on perpetuating that attitude.”</p>

<p>Please answer my question: what instigated the implementation of affirmative action? What are the benefits? What are the drawbacks?</p>

<p>Notice, these questions are very neutral. Do not put words in my mouth.</p>

<p>Enough with these boards! This argument is so stupid. How about we agree to disagree and move on? Clearly, AA is still in place and as long as there is rampant racism, which is easy to forget when you are not the target of it everyday, it will remain in place. Who cares? We have more important things to worry about, such as the poor education that most American children receive, than something as dumb as who we, people who are unqualified to make such judgements, deem qualified. Unless you are an admissions officer, that is not your place. Stay in your lane. Stop picking apart someone’s arguments and get a life already! Perhaps that’s why some of you ORM and whites didn’t get into a school, instead of participating wholeheartedly in activities that interest you, you blast someone else on a message board. The same goes for adults. I find it funny that in this recession you can spend so much time on a message board instead of working, or if you don’t have a job, looking for one. Seriously! People on these CC AA boards make me so mad. The site was made to inform and counsel other high achieving students through the college process and it has become a board dedicated to tearing people down with endless “chance” threads and AA boards. Is life so good for you that the only problem you have is whether or not someone has managed to receive their own blessing? Why are the boards dedicated to people who are seeking to be informed always empty while these AA threads are always full? Who are we to judge someone’s qualifications? Do you honestly think that every single poster on here, no matter what their race is, tells the truth? Or is lying and stupidity reserved solely for URMs? Get over yourselves, get some REAL lives, and stop being so PETTY! Mostly everyone on this board is a legal adult, yet some of you hide behind rude comments and unnecessary hostility. How’s that for a rant?</p>

<p>P.S. And if you are going to pick apart what I say, at least have the decency to read my full post before you begin commenting. I find that people on these AA boards react to one sentence and take it out of context, because they fail to READ the context.</p>

<p>I am Korean, does that make any difference? Would my question be viewed differently if I was White? Perhaps, if I was Hispanic? You know what I am interested in? Debates. I wholeheartedly love debating. Does that make any difference? I feel that, perhaps, you automatically assume an attack on affirmative action is an attack on minorities. It is in no way an attack on minorities; I am a minority. Perhaps, you should rethink about affirmative action. Why it was put into place and how well of a job it does in fixing the problem it was created to fix. I use critical thinking and I disagree with affirmative action. Like what you have said: there are bigger problems. That was where I was going with this argument; education is the flaw, not the race. Affirmative action was a band aid for a problem too big. It does not do a sufficient job of fixing that problem; it merely gives an illusion of progress. I would argue that affirmative action was a step backwards.</p>

<p>Oh and to add to this: I am 17.</p>

<p>@david, I was referring to those who make rude comments on these boards in place of actual points. Your race does not make any difference in terms of viewpoint, I just find it annoying that this debate takes place more often than not. I would like to see debates on how to fix the problems of poor teachers, schools that are falling down around children, and an overall lack of resources. Racism does exist, any minority can attest to that, no matter what minority it is. I personally think that some comments on these boards that I have seen against AA do have racist undertones, such as a previous poster who cited lower IQ scores of URMs in support of barring URMs from schools on another AA message board. I am referring to posters like that and other ■■■■■■ that seek out AA message boards to spew their own insecurity.</p>

<p>However, I am not going to rethink my view on AA. I am not going to say that you should rethink yours, either. Once again, let’s agree to disagree. However, I would like to see, just once, people focus on the real issues instead of attacking what you yourself called a band-aid. If you don’t agree with the band-aid, tackle and debate possible ways to heal the wound. Perhaps, that would be better than constantly talking about AA and attacking each other. That’s all that I am saying: Let’s talk about what we agree on, that the education system needs to be fixed. We can talk about AA until we all die from lack of air and/ or truly stimulating conversation, but a debate that never leads to any real progress is not a debate worth having, but a waste of time and energy that could be spent doing something productive.</p>

<p>In the end, you disagree with me on terms of AA and you are not going to completely change your opinion and neither am I, so what good does it do? Are you going to go back and forth with me over the computer for months, maybe even years? What has been accomplished? Absolutely nothing, and even for someone that loves to debate, this fact has to be both annoying and demoralizing from time to time when you could be arguing in favor of something that is actually worthwhile.</p>

<p>EDIT: My first post was not in response to your questions. It was a response to the existence of these AA boards in general. It appears that way when one scrolls through the message board.</p>

<p>^^ Right. Smart. All of the above accurate. I think these conversations do need to stop. This rant I had(lol I just had to write it down.) was just showing my frustration at the topic. I do believe that there is no point of them arguing about how they think its unfair. We all have our opinions, but then there is a time to just(again) suck it up, and shup up…</p>

<p>Just live with it.</p>

<p>Folks, please stop these threads based on Affirmative Action - if you want to discuss this topic at length, then please go here: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;.&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Stop wasting our time and stop wasting yours. Go to the appropriate forum for such discussion.</p>

<p>This forum can/will be about whatever issues concern African-American students including affirmative action. Who discusses AA and where they post is certainly not up to you.</p>

<p>This discussion about affirmative action is sickening. I am sick of hearing obout African American’s sense of entitlement. Are you just as angry about white legacies getting a leg up or athletes, or white women, or foreign applicants? Truth be told there are more foreign blacks that benefiit from AA than African Americans. </p>

<p>People who whine about AA like to tell themselves that they where denied a place in some high ranking college or university because some urm took their spot. They like to talk about entitlement, but the reality is that no one feels more entitled that the average white male, It easier for you to believe that some African American male took your spot. All you have to do is do the math. Black males make up less than 3% of any high ranking university, so most white males who have been denied a spot in a college freshman class was not likely denied because some African American male took the spot that they should have gotten, you most likely lost your spot to another white male. Did you tell yourself that the white male who got the spot was not as qualified as you. Maybe you lost out on a place at your college of choice because you don’t play baseball or lacrosse, or your mom or dad did not go to that school, or you were not born in a foreign country, or born female, or play the oboe, or born in appalachia. Or maybe you wrote a crappy essay. Nothing is ever black or white, no pun intended. To ignore these facts is to take the easy way out. I have worked hard all my life and am a great student, it demeans me to have someone assume that I got in to Johns Hopkins simply because I am a URM. My record will stand up against anyone’s, but the fact is when a white male gets into a great school no one assumes that he was not deserving. An there is another point here that get’s lost in the discussion. Don’t colleges benefit from diversity? I do not want to attend a school that is all anything. That is not the real world. An oh by the way the group that has benefited the most from AA, white females. For those who scream that AA is racist, I wonder are they as passionate about other incidents of racism that benefits them at the expense of an urm. You can dismiss this if you want to, but the reality is that it does happen. The cold harsh reality is that there are not enough spaces for everyone, but it always amazes me how much focus goes to the few spots that go to URMs, and then the assumption that
those who did get those spots did not deserve to. I also resent it that people, think that most urm’s feel a sense of entitlement. I have had it drilled into my head since I was a small child, that in this world, people will assume that you are less than because you are an African American male. I was taught that It was not okay to be average, I had twork twice as hard as everyone else, and the reality is, that even in 2011 there are still doors that will be closed to me.</p>



<p>Heyy! No lie though! I had that same thing put on me(but a female) that Blacks dont get the easy way. I have no sense of entitlement, and feel I have to work way harder than any other race in my grad. class at school. I don’t take things lightly, there is no easy road.However, these people arguing against us, seem to have this personal feel attached to their arguments. But I’m just going to keep it pushing. Don’t worry about the haters.=)</p>

<p>I have a question: why is it that there is a Hispanic and African American section but not an Asian, Arabian, White, Native American section or any other Ethic Sections? Why is it that it is “Hispanic” and not “Hispanic American”?</p>


Without AA there would never be a question about whether you were accepted into JH because of your race. Clearly the qualified do not benefit from AA, so which African-Americans does it actually help?

Do you have a source for this “truth”?

Complete fallacy. Did the white people who complained about racism in the 50s and 60s do so because they were victims of discrimination? No. They complained because discrimination on the basis of race/gender/color is wrong whether it affects you personally or not. Affirmative Action is wrong because it is “discrimination or prejudice based on race”.</p>

<p>“Our culture has done African Americans a great disservice by engendering a sense of entitlement among them, and they do themselves an even greater one by insisting on perpetuating that attitude.”</p>

<p>PS: I believe the OP in this thread is an African-American and brought up the subject of AA in the their first post.</p>


<p>The moderator on the last post suggested that you go here if you want to debate and discuss race as an issue. I suggest you and davidthefat do so=)</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>The following is from the moderator’s post:

You (the OP) brought up AA in your opening post. Hopefully you’ll be able to confine yourself to another forum if you wish to “rant” about AA in the future.</p>



<p>This was in my original post. I was not really inviting you to argue about AA on this thread, but asking if you could not talk about AA on this board, and thread as a whole. I did rant, and vent my frustration because you “anti-AA” people don’t seem to get or soak in the fact that we(the people that actually want to discuss real issues on this board) REALLY don’t want to talk about the issue. We have on one thread, and it should be over, not brought up over and over again on different threads where that is not even the subject matter at hand. Obviously we do not agree with you, so that conversation should be over, not brought up over and over again. </p>

<p>Its harassment, no matter how you put it.</p>