Can I round a 3.897 to a 3.9?

Title just about covers it. I already graduated high school (class of 23, currently taking a gap year) so this is my final GPA. I heard 3.9 UW serves as a “cutoff” for top schools—though i feel it’s probably more complex than that— so the 3.897 has me slightly worried. Is it reasonable/ethical to round it up?

Are you asking if you should say your GPA is 3.9? If so…no. Because that’s not your gpa. Report what will be reported on your high school transcript. Don’t round up.

The colleges will see your gpa…and they will decide whether to round up…or not.


Don’t believe everything you heard, because you heard wrong.

And no, don’t round


@thumper1 and @skieurope , seen and noted—thanks for the replies and info

What does this mean? So many say this. I have no idea what it is and how someone who is not ‘top’ - whoever they are - is differentiated.

That being said, if you are given a place to write to the hundredths in decimal, not sure why you would ask.

But also note some schools recalculate - and only use the gpa for core classes or time frames they care about. Some will weight.

Be honest so that schools are sent exactly what you report initially. This way there is no suspicion created.

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Be proud of what you have accomplished since it’s awesome. Apply widely. Many great schools out there. Go with fit over name on the building.


Sorry for not being more specific. i meant highly selective schools like T30s and tier 1 LACs, but good to point out many excellent schools are not as highly selective (and I will certainly be applying to those too). Thanks for the info regarding how different schools calculate gpa, hadn’t even thought of that

Top 30 in major or USNews or Forbes or WSJ or money ? Top school or top school in your major ?

Yea I know what you meant. I’m being facetious. And there are lower ranked schools harder to get into than higher ranked if using US News.

Find the right school. Not the one to brag about.

You have to be there, four years day after day after day.

Most importantly, be able to defend everything you write down, including your gpa to answer your original ask. Gpa. Activities. Classes. Everything.

Yes! For sure. My list is based around schools with specific programs related to my field of study and includes safeties I would be happy to attend that might also give merit aid


Usually i think of US news, but personally gunning for specific programs.

Ready to defend, Sgt!

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And at least one is a guarantee to meet your family budget ?

Merit is nice but please ensure a school will 100% get you to the required cost.

And treat all the same when applying - whether Harvard or Hofstra. All with high integrity.

Good luck.

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Curious - what major ?

Best of luck.

History major. Majority of schools on list will 100% fit budget

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My undergrad major (one of them). . Best of luck. Lots of great schools for history. Lots. Best of luck.


Oh cool to hear you studied history! Thanks for wishing me luck. I’ll need it but am excited for college regardless of how admissions pan out

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You won’t need it. You, and no college, will make your success.

Others disagree but I was looking at the Cornell career outcomes b4. You know how most fimd jobs. On line - LinkedIn, indeed, etc. it’s the new way. Of course all schools connect some and have job fairs but most kids secure employment by other means today.

If you have an assured admission and financial safety that you love - you’re golden. The rest of the list is just desire. Both my kids got into top 30 / top LAC. One chose a low ranked flagship. The other #16 of 17 she got into rank wise - a regional public.

My son had 5 job offers by xmas . Works with kids from the school he rejected. My daughter will do a semester in DC. this Fall Had 6 intern offers. 4 paid. She’ll be working for a leading think tank.

Engage in your school - whatever school. Take advantage of niche programs they offer, advising and the rest. Hustle. Be creative. You can read about the Ga Tech engineer who secured an internship by writing in post it notes - hire me - on his dorm window.

They hustled. You can too. Only you can stop you, no matter your goal.

Best of luck.

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So three basic criteria for “top” fit per your posts. I used Niche because they had all sub rankings in one place to avoid comparing apples and oranges.

  1. Program/Major/Concentration (History) specific rankings as follows from Niche:
    1 Yale
    2 Harvard
    3 Columbia
    4 Princeton
    5 Stanford
    6 Brown
    7 U Chicago
    8 UCLA
    9 Rice
    10 Duke

  2. Niche Ranking by selectivity;

1 Harvard
2 Stanford
3 Princeton
4 Cal Tech
5 Yale
7 U Chicago
8 Columbia
9 Duke
10 Brown

  1. Overall “Rankings:

2 Stanford
3 Harvard
4 Yale
5 Princeton
6 Rice
7 Cal Tech
8 Duke
9 Brown
10 Dartmouth

So the following check all 3 boxes:


All obviously very competitive so perhaps consider them as your reaches if affordable.

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Might I be so bold as to suggest you do a chance me thread with your stats, etc. And some of the characteristics you want in a college?

If you want suggestions for places to apply to college, start a thread and ask for them. With more complete information, folks can better guide you…if you want the help.


I’ll probably be doing a chance/match me thread sometime soon. Will check out a few first to get a better idea of formatting


I looked for a newer thread about this but this should help!