Can I save myself?

<p>I am a junior in a public 4A high school. School is out in 5 days :]</p>

<p>As of right now I will have a 3.1 UW GPA. Yes, I screwed up. I know...</p>

<p>Freshman year:</p>

<p>English: A/A
Algebra I: B/B-
Spanish I: A-/B+
Physical Sci: A-/B
World Studies: A/A-
Life Issues: A- (one semester)
Keyboarding: A- (one semester)
Comm Tech: A- (one semester)</p>

<p>*Note: First semester/second semester</p>

<p>GPA after freshman year: 3.5</p>

<p>Sophomore year:</p>

<p>Amer. Studies (Honors): A-/B
English (Honors): A-/B
Geometry: A/B
Spanish II: B/B
Business I: A/B
Biology: A-/B</p>

<p>GPA after sophomore year: 3.49</p>

<p>Junior year: (this is where I mess up...)</p>

<p>AP Jr. Eng: C-/B
AP Psych: C+/B
Honors Chem: B+/B
Business II:B/A-
Spanish III: D+/D :[
Algebra II: D/D :[</p>

<p>GPA after junior year: should be at around a 3.1</p>

<p>So I obviously have a downward trend. I slacked this year in high school, and I really regret it. There were some issues at home I had no control over, but I should have focused more on my grades (write that in admissions essay?). My Spanish and Algebra grades killed me.</p>

<p>Here is my question: I live in Washington (state) and I'm going to apply to the University of Washington and Washington State. Is there a way I can save my GPA? The priority application deadline next year for UW is December 1st. WSU is January 31st. If I get really great grades my first semester of my senior year will I have a chance to show these colleges that I'm not really that bad of a student my junior grades show? </p>

<p>Here is my class load for next year:</p>

<p>AP Lit
AP Gov
Spanish IV
Business III
Personal Finance/Ceramics (I have to fulfill a stupid art credit...)</p>

<p>SAT: CR: 600
M: 440
W: 540
*I'm going to study during the summer and retake it in September. I really think I can obtain an 1800+. I did not study at all the first time I took it...</p>

<p>I am very involved in DECA (business organization), and I went to STATE in competition.</p>

<p>I love running. I do track and cross country. Lettered in both this year.</p>

<p>I've lived all over the world (Panama, Turkey, Guam, Bahrain, Germany) because my dad is in the Air Force.</p>

<p>I have lots of community involvement (church, camp counselor, soup kitchen volunteer, etc.).</p>

<p>I am working a full-time job this summer (5 days a week/8 hours a day) at McChord Air Force Base.</p>

<p>The only thing really bringing me down is my GPA. Will having strong grades my senior year mean anything to UW and WSU? Last question: Does it matter how early you apply or if you just make the priority deadline?</p>

<p>Thanks for taking your time to help me out! Your replies are appreciated.</p>

<p>ur gpa hurts and ur sats hurt as well. not trying to brag but my practice sat score nearly beats ur sat and i didnt even know i had a practice sat to take and i fell asleep during it hahaha. another question u should be asking urself is that can u handle all the work for next year? talk to ur counselor about where to apply for college</p>

<p>socalsoccer, i dont think that was necessary w/ your little SAT anecdote</p>

your 'D's REALLY hurt you (tbh). although you can't do anything about that now, how about take summer school to make them up? not only will it show your true ability, it will also raise your GPA. Having strong senior grades will probably not make a difference at UW and WSU (sorry). How about you go to a community college and transfer in two years (or earlier)?
Not saying you dont have potential (you say you have good ECs, work, etc) so you should still try at those schools and explain your situation (that caused your bad grades) in essays. [thing is, only SOME of your grades dropped- other classes like AP chem were still solid- this might show to adcom that you just didn't try in those classes] Sorry, but I wouldn't bet on admission though.
and as socalsoccer said, talk to your counselor! He/She can def. help you raise your grades and find other possible colleges.</p>

<p>Thanks, guys. I'll take your suggestions into considerations. I can't do summer school though. I have a full-time job during summer.</p>

<p>But here is GPA stats for WSU:</p>

<pre><code>* 25% had h.s. GPA of 3.75 and higher
* 22% had h.s. GPA between 3.5 and 3.74
* 22% had h.s. GPA between 3.25 and 3.49
* 16% had h.s. GPA between 3.0 and 3.24
* 15% had h.s. GPA between 2.5 and 2.99

<p>That's somewhat promising.</p>

<p>Bumpity bump...</p>

<p>never take anything promising. u gotta work hard till the end.</p>