Can I skip Algebra 1 in high school?

  I am an 8 grader now, going to high school next year. My current math class is just regular middle school math, I'm thinking that can I skip Algebra 1 in high school. I learn algebra 1 during the summer vacation: 
  • solving linear equations
  • solving multi-step
  • slope intercept
  • system & square root
  • factoring
  • quadratic

So I don’t know if I still take algebra when I am in 9 grade. Can anyone tell what is algebra 2 about and is there any chance skip algebra 1?

If you take it during the summer you are not really skipping it, but take it online or at a community college or at a hs summer school program so that it shows on your transcript. Your next course would be geometry, not Algebra 2. Check the course description at your hs to see exactly what Algebra 2 covers, but it should include linear, quadratic, exponential, polynomial, radical, rational, and logarithmic equations.

Algebra I is incredibly easy, yet equally as fundamental. The skip is possible, granted you have decent math skills.

I took Algebra II over the summer with nothing to show for it on my transcription and no outside instruction/class formatting. I would recommend the process, just guarantee with your counselor that you can place out via testing and make sure that you take the self-study seriously. Dedicate 8 hours each day over the course of 2-3 weeks and you should be all caught up.

I used a mix of Khan Academy, coupled with YouTube tutorials and also bought my school’s textbook, working through all examples and a third of the homework problems in the book. After having transitioned from Geometry to Precalculus, I am now doing exceptionally well with a 100% in my math class. Self-study is a powerful process, as it allows students to work towards comprehension in place of completion. More so, this is especially the class when you’re truly working “on your own” without the pacing provided by a traditional course.

I would actually recommend throwing out the possibility of an online course and sticking to learning the content yourself. This way, you aren’t pressured by any deadlines and can focus on (1) improving your self-disciplinary skills and (2) truly understanding the concepts.

Read my post on ( for extra detail.

Algebra I provides the fundamentals for all the other math courses you’ll be taking.

Personally, I would suggest you take it. One or two holes in your preparation will come back to bite you.

Take it over the summer or during the year, but do not skip it.

Automatically recommending someone for that is ridiculous. I would definitely access your math skills further and make sure that the summer class has a great reputation. Algebra I is a building block for pretty much every math class, Geometry, Algebra II, etc. You also have to take Geometry, you don’t skip from Algebra I to Algebra II and not take it.

You would need to check with the high school to determine if they would give you credit or a higher math placement for the summer Algebra 1 course. There are different levels of summer courses out there, some are rigorous and some are not. If you take an easy one, you may find your later math classes more difficult because as others have warned, Algebra 1 skills are fundamental to all your later math classes.

Why do you want to skip Algebra 1 in high school? Too many kids want to do “something that looks impressive to colleges” rather than “the best choice for my educational needs.” Make sure your path is the right one for your education. You can talk to your math teacher about your options if you are not sure.

Colleges won’t be impressed with a 9th grader who starts in Geometry, it’s pretty common.

This would be your path:
9th grade: Geometry (H)
10th grade: Algebra2 (H)
11th grade: Precalculus (H)
12th grade: Calculus or Statistics

Another path is:
9th grade: Algebra1 (H)
10th grade: Algebra2 (H) and Geometry
11th grade: Precalculus
12th grade: Calculus or Statistics

I would take Algebra 1 in 9th grade but in 10th double up on Geometry and Alg 2.

Take a math class during the summer for credit if you can.

Can you double up the math class in high school?

@wxie432 , yes - Algebra 1, Algebra 2, and precalc are sequential and can’t be doubled up, but geometry can be doubled up with Algebra 2 because neither one depends upon the other. Also, taking geometry as a summer class is fairly common and not too difficult. Or online… although my daughter managed to drag her online geometry class out for all four years of high school without ever finishing the second half, which was way more painful than it was worth, lol. (It wasn’t a HS graduation requirement but is a UC/CSU admission requirement - she dropped it about five minutes after committing to a non-UC :)) )

If your going to do a summer program check the rigor of the program but also check with your school to see if they will accept it as credit or at least placement. Also check if they have programs that are allowed or not allowed in terms of being allowed to start higher.

At our high school unless algebra 1 is done in middle school (it is by many but not all kids) or taken at a special summer program at offered by the high school for $250- 5 weeks 8-1 no absences, a minimum grade on every test, midterm, and final, plus all homework (I think a 90) there is no credit but starting high school in geometry (need 4 years of math to graduate but summer school doesn’t count). Math taken anywhere else the student will not be allowed to accelerate.