Can I still get into a highly selective college (UC's) with these grades?

I am listing only core classes:
Freshman year Semester 1:
Honors English - A
Honors Math 2 - A
Honors Biology - A

Freshman year Semester 2: (Same grades)

Sophomore year Semester 1:

Honors English - A
Honors Math 3 - A
Honors Chemistry - A
AP World - A

Sophomore year Semester 2:

Honors English - B
Honors Math 3 - A
Honors Chemistry - A
AP World - A

Junior year semester 1

Regular English - A
AP Calc AB - A
AP Physics - A
AP Biology - A
AP US History - A
AP Statisitics - B

I am almost done with my second semester of junior year, and this is the absolute WORST CASE scenario that could occur. I am expecting one B for sure, but the other two COULD go up to As.:

Regular English - A
AP Calc AB - B
AP Physics B
AP Biology - A
AP US History - A
AP Statistics - B

With a 1500 SAT, is it still possible for me to get into a selective UC, like Berkeley, or at least Irvine?

Of course you can get into the UC’s with your grades. Only 10-11th grades are included in the UC GPA calculation. Also you need to meet the a-g course requirements so you need Foreign Language, and Visual/Performing Art courses to be included as “core” courses.

Calculate your UC GPA capped weighted and fully weighted:

You want a 4.0+ capped weighted to be competitive but your SAT score is outstanding. Although UC’s are very GPA focused, your HS course rigor, test scores, EC’s and essays will all be considered during your application review. Also intended major can have a huge impact so the more competitive the major, the higher the stats needed.

This is 2017 data for capped weighted UC GPA and not major specific so you can compare where you stand.

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19:

UCB: 12.6%
UCLA: 11.7%
UCSD: 38.7%
UCSB: 53.6%
UCD: 56.5%
UCI: 52.1%
UCSC: 75.7%
UCR: 90.1%
UCM: 96.1%

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 4.20 or above:

UCB: 42.7%
UCLA: 47.2%
UCSD: 84.2%
UCSB: 82.0%
UCD: 90.3%
UCI: 94.1%
UCSC: 92.7%
UCR: 97.5
UCM: 98.1%

25th - 75th percentiles for SAT:

UCB: 1280-1490

UCLA: 1280-1500
UCSD: 1250-1470
UCSB: 1210- 1450
UCD: 1190-1430
UCI: 1190-1420
UCSC: 1170-1380
UCR: 1090-1310
UCM: 1020-1230

it looks like your UCGPA will be around 4.1 which, coupled with a 1500 SAT AND competent ECs and essays will make you a solid candidate for most programs at most of the UCs, USCD, UCB and UCLA will be looking for more than a 4.2. so, your other attributes will really have to sing to make you a serious contender there.

The mid tier UCs, will probably take you with a competent essay and EC list.

UCR, UCM and UCSC are likely to accept you .

All that said, UCs are really finicky and no small part of their application is subjective - you could, conceivably get a NO from all 9. I’d encourage you to also apply to a couple of CSUs and even a couple of privates. SDSU is very good for nearly all of the programs they offer. most of the other CSUs vary in appeal major to major. Univ of SD and Loyola Marymount are privates that are worth a look.

If you have a desired major and other things you are looking for (campus size, college town, proximity to ocean or mountains) i can make some more tailored recommendations.

I calculated your UC GPA (I feel like you are missing some classes) and got:
a UC GPA of 4.15 for worst case, and 4.25 for your best case.
This and 1500 SAT will be great for UC’s, all of you need is strong essays, EC’s, awards to help push you over the edge for most schools.
You seem guaranteed at UCM, UCSC, UCR, and probably UCI, UCD. You also have a strong chance at UCSD and UCSB, and a good chance at UCLA and UCB - which are still reaches.
Getting into the top 2 UC’s are really hard, but you still have a chance. Don’t get your hopes up too high.
I still got into UC Berkeley engineering with a 4.08 UC GPA, 4.17 fully weighted, and 1490 on SAT.
Good luck!,.

@NCalRent I’m interested in a biology major, but if it would be less competitive, I’m also considering an undeclared major.

declared major plays a varied role when it comes to admissions. Some schools admit at the same standard university wide, others admit by ‘college’ - kind of a broad set of majors like the college of Science, Engineering, etc, others look to the major itself and - some even consider alternate. So, there isn’t one answer. You have to look at the school

CP SLO admits by college and doesn’t admit undeclared

look at how granular SJSU makes it:

Davis actually encourages undeclared applicants (except for Engineering) but still slots them into colleges.

Generally, look into the school’s practices before checking the box on major.

@SREE33 I didn’t include my non-academic classes (i.e., orchestra, Spanish 1 and 2, and PE, all of which I got A’s in). Does that make a difference?

PE doesn’t count, but I think orchestra and spanish 1 and 2 actually count, as long as they are in 10-11th grade. ANy a-g course will be in your UC gpa, so it might lower your GPA a little. A minor GPA change isn’t that bad, but the higher the better.

Those classes actually lower your UC GPA, since you are above 4.0 and those classes are rated as 4.0 (ie not Honors). Your UC GPA goes anywhere from 4.12 to 4.19 and your uncapped weighted goes from 4.50 to 4.58. Depending on what major you intend to apply for, I would try and raise the SAT up another 20-40 points for UCB entry, to be on the safe side.