Can I still get into Pitt with B's in Chem and AP bio?

Hi. Pitt is my number one choice and I’ll be applying this summer.
I’ve gotten good grades all throughout high school, but this year was really challenging for me. My first semester grades were okay, but not great. My GPA went down to a 3.6 uw overall.
I got B’s in both AP biology and regular chemistry both semesters (ugh)(-and yes i took both at the same time. yes it was a dumb decision). I volunteer at the hospital frequently, I’m in a ton of clubs at my school, and I’m becoming a CNA next year.
Here are the classes I’m taking next year:
-AP english
-AP chem
-Health sciences
-US government
-CNA courses
I guess what I’m wondering is if I still have a chance at getting into the pitt nursing program? Has anyone else gotten in with B’s in those classes?
I really like Pitt and it seems like the perfect fit for me. I just don’t want to get my hopes up if i’m just going to get rejected- so please be honest with me! i’d really appreciate it!

I think you have a chance with a 3.6 gpa. What about test scores? Maybe do some prep this summer and sign up for August SAT.

Just one question, why are you taking AP chem, if you got a B in regular chem? Have you taken physics at all?

I just took the May SAT and I think I actually did really well on it! But if I don’t like my scores I was planning on taking the August one also.

My school doesn’t offer any physics classes anymore because of budget cuts, and AP chemistry was one of the only higher level sciences classes that fit in with my schedule.
I finished both semesters of chemistry with high B’s which is the most frustrating part about this. I’m actually good at chemistry and I understand it, but I had so many other things going on with my other AP classes that I could never fully focus on it. Fortunately next year I’m taking less classes so I’ll be able to focus on it more