CAN I SUCCEED AT LIFE W/ 3.705 UW GPA & 4.8 W????

Hi guys… So I started out freshman year average. I had a 3.67 gpa both semesters. And then coming into sophomore year I was screwed by finals and that really brought all my a-'s crashing down. I ended up first semester w/ a 3.5 gpa and 2nd semester w a 3.0 gpa. Right now my UW gpa is 3.483 and Weighted Gpa is a 4.427 With an upward and realistic trend. I hope to end high school with a 3.705 and Weighted of 4.8 or greater. My class schedule was rigerous from the start. I took honors algebra 2, honors bio, honors English, and Ap world as a freshman. Sophomore year, I took…Honors Trig/CALC A, honors English, honors chem, APUSH. Next year my class schedule looks like this

Ap psych
Bio technical engineering (Honors credit)
Ap physics B
Calculus BC

My EC’s are pretty good…

I have over 250 hours of volunteering as a sophomore. I am a Mentor to freshman as i take half of my lunch to explain to a group of freshman how to transition from middle school to high school. This is a very selective process as only 8 guys total are in the program compared to 30 girls. I am varsity debater w a state award. Most likely captain senior year. I am in NHS. I also have an internship w a congressman to teach me about politics and buissness in general because I am hoping to major in buissness and go to law school and become a corporate lawyer.

I am hoping for a 35 on my Act and I can get a 2300 on my SAT. I also come from one of the most competitive schools in the state (top 15)

Do I have a chance for these schools and if not what are some things I could do to improve my chances.

NORTHWESTERN (I’m from Illinois if that helps)

Any recommendations for other schools?

thanks for your time guys!

Saying you can get a 2300 is pretty ambitious. How much do you have to base that off of? With your GPA, you will not look very competitive at schools like Cornell or Brown

Why do you want to be a corporate lawyer? And to answer your question, yes, you can succeed at life even if you drop out of high school, so having below a 4.0 is not going to destroy your life.

Would you be able to afford the UCs, Austin, and Mich as an out of state student?

To answer your question @CaliCash I can afford it. And @whuff24 ik it’s ambitious I’m just giving u like a translation because I have been getting 35’s on my ACT constantly. IGHT not even take the SAT.