Can I Transfer UCSD Summer Classes to UCSB?


<p>I more than likely going to attend UCSB in the fall, however I want to take summer session at UCSD this summer.</p>

<p>UCSD offers most of the math classes I have left...and I can live from home and save some money.</p>

<p>My question is, if I take math class at UCSD will that same class transfer over to UCSB?</p>

<p>Hey Stirff thats a question Ive been meaning to ask myself, but Im preety sure the answer is yes. Im preety sure Ive heard that once you get admitted to a UC, you can take classes at a different UC over the summer and then transfer the units over to the UC you plan on attending. Just make sure to let SB know and after you get your summer school grades, get a transcript from SD and send it over to SB and everything should be fine.</p>

<p>I really think you should contact SB just to make sure, wouldn’t want to spend all that and then not have them transfer over!</p>

<p>In any case, I wish you luck! [:</p>

<p>just make up the classes at UCSD match up to those at UCSB’s, but it should be no problem</p>

<p>They almost definitely transfer. I wrote UCLA a few weeks ago and they said all UC classes transfer to other UCs. As long as the class remotely resembles a class taught at your UC, there should be no problem.</p>

<p>Does anyone know whether or not we can fulfill GEs at another UC over the summer?</p>