can i transfer with these courses?

<p>ok this is my second year at a community college.</p>

<p>my first year </p>

<p>first semester
Econ 2301 (Macroeconomics)
Math 1324
English 1301
History 1302
Total: 12 hours</p>

<p>second semester
Math 1325
English 1302
History 1301
Speech 1311
Total:12 hours</p>

<p>My second year</p>

<p>this semester i am taking
Econ 2302(microeconomics)
Speech 1315
BCIS 1405
and 2 other 1 hour class
Total:12 hours</p>

<p>So I will have rougly 36 hours at the end of this semester with a GPA of 3.5-3.6. I am trying to get into McCombs but I know it's virtually impossible to transfer as external with that GPA so i am trying to get into Liberal Arts. Will all these clases transfer if I want to transfer to Liberal Arts? I know you only need 30 hours for transfer, but are all these classes transferable? I am going to apply for fall 2009 but I wanted to just get in with these classes so I can know my decision early.</p>

<p>It sure looks to me like you have 30+ hours of classes that would transfer.</p>

<p>If you have a UT EID you can log in at the link below, add your classes, and see what transfers. If you don’t have an UT EID, you can get one even without being admitted. </p>

<p>[Interactive</a> Degree Audit | Registrar | University of Texas at Austin](<a href=“]Interactive”></p>

<p>You go to san jac?
You can type in the classes there and see what it transfer sofr.
[UT</a> ATE System - Query by Other College’s Course](<a href=“UT ATE System”>UT ATE System)</p>