Hi. I am an incoming freshman engineering student and I wanted to know if I could use my MacBook Pro for the programs we need to run. Also, would I need to utilize any of the standard engineering software programs in the fall semester? Just want to know if I should hold off on buying a PC at this point. Thanks!
Have you checked with the Engineering department at your school if they have any recommendations?
Yes you can, plenty of engineering students use them. An Windows based PC is preferred, but you can run windows on a Mac (with some work).
Your engineering major (other than CIS majors) will determine if you need to run any “engineering software”, but you likely don’t need to your first semester.
Check your schedule, but you’ll have two classes, early on (as a freshman/sophomore), that require it. The first is Computer Graphics and Design (EML 2023), and the other is Computer Programming for Engineers (COP2271).
A lot of EML 2023 will be done in the computer lab.
COP2271 is slightly different, based on your major. For example, ME’s and Aerospace majors will use MATLAB, while industrial engineering majors use visual basic.
Thank you for your response! In the fall I am only taking MAC2311, CHM1025, EMA1004, SLS1102, EGS1000, and IPH1700. Should I just wait until the spring to consider a PC? I won’t need any crazy software for these courses, right?
Correct, you could wait, your MAC will be fine.
How old is your MacBook Pro? Unless it’s really old, it would probably be more cost effective to use Parallels or VMWare to install a Windows VM on the MacBook Pro versus purchasing a new Windows PC/Tablet/2-in-1.