Can I wear opaque tights to College

I am a mature student and sing in the choral society. I would like to wear opaque tights while singing and performing. Would this be acceptable in this situation?

What’s your choir director’s policy?
Opaque tights with a choir robe on top is typical but if you have to wear a dress or other uniform, it depends and you’re better off asking.


@ChloeBenfield of you are already ON a choral society, you already know that the group has a dress code to which you must adhere. I’ve been in many choral groups, and have never had much choice…and that included the type of stockings to wear, length of robes or clothing, clothing that was allowed, etc.

Ask the choral director.

And if your screen name is your real name, I would urge you to change it. Here is how:


Closing for review.