Can my acceptance be rescinded ?

I finished my first semester of my senior year very strong, with a 96 average. My school’s 2nd semester is rather short for seniors and my current 3rd quarter is only about 4 weeks long. I’ve been dealing with stomach issues, and I haven’t felt myself lately and my grades are suffering. I’m not failing anything, but I’m averaging an 86 overall. Will colleges rescind my acceptances because of this?

They will only rescind for D’s or F’s. An 86 (a B, I presume?) is fine. It won’t hurt you


They likely wouldn’t rescind you, but I have heard of warnings for dropping to a B.

You will be fine. Some slippage in grades is normal and almost expected. Plus assuming you are under a doctor’s care if any school does issue a warning (doubtful) you can get an explanatory note. The most important thing is to get the proper medical care for you condition so you will hopefully be 100% when you start college next year.

You’ll be fine. If youre grades do continue to slip maybe send in a doctors note with an explanation with a note from guidance or a teacher.

@currymaster420. You’ve heard 100% wrong. That’s absurd. If one were to believe your foolish friends, everyone who doesn’t even get a 4.0 gets a warning.

@T26E4 That’s not necessarily the case. He’s from a hypercompetitive area and were able to maintain a 4.0 through high school. However, in his mid-year report he had 3 B’s, and he got a warning from his early accepted college. However unbelievable you find this, it happened. It’s not that a not having a 4.0 will get you a warning, but rather a drop in grades can be a warning sign.

…no. This question has been asked probably hundreds of times on this forum and the answer has not changed - stay above a 3.0 overall, no D’s or F’s.

It could depend on the schools you were accepted into, but dropping from an A to a B average in the last part of your senior year shouldn’t make too much of a difference. I’d be surprised if your acceptance got rescinded.