Can somebody tell me why i did not get in?

<p>Hey all. I am just wondering about why i got rejected from some of the UC’s.</p>

<p>I have a 4.1 weighted GPA
2030 SAT
790 Math IIC
710 Chemistry</p>

<p>Rejected from Davis, Santa Barbara, San Diego</p>

<p>I think San Diego was a bit of a stretch for me, but i dont understand why i did not get in Davis or Santa Barbara, i thought my stats were somewhat on par, if not above average than the average stats of the 2008 freshman class in Davis and SB.</p>

<p>I also haven’t heard from irvine yet is that a bad sign…?</p>

<p>Thanks everybody’s opinion and help is valuable!</p>

<p>are you an engineering major?</p>

<p>if so, your question is answered (@ least for UCD)</p>

<p>You are probably high income, from a good high school, didn't have any hardships to overcome, no awards, and you didn't have 100+ community service hours.</p>

<p>While your SAT scores and GPA are impressive, you probably didn't get points in other categories. You can actually call UCSD admissions and have them tell you exactly where you got points...which allows for your to make corrections. There is a user on here that did just that, found a mistake, and was accepted. </p>

<p>Davis was a crapshoot this year, I wouldn't worry about that....UCSD might be a reach, but I got in with lower stats than you did (4.1 , 1910) and I can not believe you didn't get into UCSB.</p>

<p>Well actually i applied for financial aid and i go to a new school and i am its 3rd graduating class. But i am top 10% of my class.</p>

<p>Also i played tennis for all four years of high school. Varsity senior year
Top orchestra for 4 years and performed at Carnegie Hall twice
80+ hours of community service
I had pretty awesome personal statements, reviewed by my english teacher and Elite Prep.
I also got mulstiple scholar athelete awards and film festival award for my school just to name a few</p>

<p>so even with the addition of those extras i dont know why i did not get in. </p>

<p>As of right now im not even sure if i am getting in UCI seeing how i got rejected at SB.</p>

<p>Thanks for your responses guys!</p>

<p>To cutieflutie08:</p>

<p>Yea i did apply as an enginnering major, ive been told that thats probably why</p>

<p>Yes, it has to do with your majors. Engineering majors are impacted most of the time.</p>

<p>Also, schools like UCSD do not read your personal statements. They scan it for any sign of hardships or challenges that you had to face, to add points for.
Not sure if Davis uses the same thing.</p>

<p>What was your major for UCI?</p>

<p>Well, actually, none of those things count for points at UCSD or UCD. The awards only count if they were 1st or 2nd on a national level...Low income is considered <60,000. As for community service, you get half points for having 100+ and full points for having 200+.</p>

<p>You are obviously a good student and very talented...which shows the flaw in the point system. </p>

<p>...and I don't believe UCSB or UCSD does it by major.</p>

<p>I would seriously call the admissions office for UCSD though, you might get in.</p>

<p>undeclared for UCI</p>

<p>Is engineering considered a really competitive major?
I was considering business but ultimately decided to put down engineering.</p>

<p>Yes, engineering is quite competitive, and bioengineering is impacted at UCSD. I'm still surprised at the UCD decisions, and in your case, even more surprised about UCSB. Did you have decent ECs? My stats were similar, but I did a bunch of other stuff as well. As for UCI, just wait a bit. They all have different criteria, so it's quite possible you can get in.</p>

<p>a lot of times admissions people just think this person is applying as a safety and dont consider you.</p>

<p>Not true for UCD UCSB UCSC and UCSD. They admit strictly on point score and they have no category for 'safety'. As someone posted already, 80 hours of volunteer work is the same as zero in the scoring. Must be 100 or above in two years to help you at all.</p>

<p>Do you know what the number for UCSD was? I could not find the number do get ahold of to get the points explained</p>

<p>For ucsd 80 hrs of volunteer hours will give you no points
also you have no leadership positions, so that's a lot of points lost there.</p>

<p>UC</a> San Diego Comprehensive Review Admission Process: Freshman Selection, Fall 2008</p>

<p>The best bet is to call ucsd and uc davis to ask for breakdown of ur scores. that's what happen me to ucsd. I was rejected. i called and ask them for my breakdown and they messed up on my volunteer hours. i was then given points and accepted.</p>

<p>I'm sure you could call the admissions office and ask. Your GPA and test scores seem above average to normal, so I really don't see why. I'd say maybe weak ECs? But that's only because I don't know what they are.</p>

<p>wow i am surprised that you did not get into those schools
i have the EXACT same gpa and sat score and got admitted to those 3 schools
i applied for a psychology major so it was a bit easier
but i did have a lot of work experience (10-25 hours a week for over 2 years) so i think that about did it for me</p>

<p>UCSB really values leadership.</p>

<p>I have confirmed that this is true for San Diego as far as the point system goes. Plug things in and you'll probably see what went wrong:
4500 Uncapped GPA (multiply your uncapped UC GPA by 1000)
3200 SATs (add all five scores together and multiply by .8)
500 if you had more than 40 "a-g" courses
300 for being in ELC
300 if you got a 3.0 from a school in the bottom of the rankings (if yours is new, then there might not have been enough time for it to be ranked yet)
300 if your family is low income
300 if your parents didn't go to college; 150 if they had some; 0 if they got degrees
300 for two positions as Pres or VP or classwide position, 150 for just one
300 for two 1st-3rd place wins in at least regional competition
300 for more than 200 hrs of community service (per year?) and 150 for 100
300 for attending academic prep programs such as those in the summer
500 for major trauma such as serious illness or death in immediate family</p>

<p>ACCEPTANCE CUT-OFF = 7730s I believe
I know this doesn't look real, but it is. I called Admissions office and when they told me what went wrong, they seemed to be reading off a list with these exact catagories. I have heard others with the same outcome. IT IS 100% RIDICULOUS!! THEY DON'T EVEN LOOK AT THE ESSAY. The only good thing about it was there was no race factor. That would have gotten me ticked off.</p>

<p>So there's the screwed up process of UCSD.</p>

<p>Davis is trying to be Berkeley and is epically failing.</p>

<p>UCSB...I'm not sure what happened there :-(</p>

<p>Thanks for all the responses guys!</p>

<p>One more thing.
Being it the only other college that may accept me...
What are my chances at UCI?
I applied undeclared</p>

<p>you should be in for UCI</p>


<p>you did meet all the a-g requirements, right?</p>

<p>I can't believe you didn't get in oO"</p>

<p>My UC GPA was 4.0 and SAT I 2100, so my stats are really similar to yours, including the SAT II's. </p>

<p>If they reject students based on the fact that they "had no hardships to overcome," then that's really screwed up. It's not their fault they were born into better off families... And it's not like students with screwed up lives are going to do better in school once they get in, provided that their stats aren't as good... </p>

<p>I don't know. It's all so confusing.</p>