Can someone chance me at some non-ivies!?!?!?!

<p>-Ethnicity: White
-Sex: Male
-Competitive private school in SC that sends some kids to top schools</p>

ACT: C 33, M 33, E 32, R 32, S 36
SAT II: Took in June
Will have 10 APs by graduation which will be the most ever for my school.</p>

-Varsity Lacrosse 11-12
-President of Latin and Key Club
-Co-Editor of newspaper
-400+ community service hours</p>

-won lots of certificates for certain classes
-Princeton Book Award and RPI Medal
-5 Gold/Silver Medals on national latin exam
-Won AMC 12 at school
-Will most likely be National Merit Semi Finalist</p>

<p>Chances for:
-Dartmouth (Legacy)
-Bowdoin (ED here or midd)
-Middlebury (ED?)