Can someone chance me for WashU(ED), Georgetown, Cornell, and Barnard?

ACT (breakdown): 32 C (36 R, 35 E, 29 R, 29 S)
SAT II: 620 on Math I and Lit, not sending in if not required.
GPA: 4.3 UW. I got 1 B in high school, and it was in a film class my first semester of junior year. The rest are all A’s.
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): school doesn’t rank, but I’m in the top 5% at least.
AP (place score in parenthesis): Euro (3), Psych (3) again, not sending in.
Senior Year Course Load: I go to a performing arts high school, so I’m taking Advanced Music Theory, Music Composition, and private classical piano lessons, as well as AP Computer Science, AP Statistics, PreCalculus, French III, and a Women’s Literature class.
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): NHS, Academic merit scholarship from my school, Finalist in a school-wide speech competition.

Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): School Newspaper (Editor in Chief and Founder), Student Council Representative (no higher leadership than representative), Student Ambassador (Music Dept. Rep)
Job/Work Experience: Over the summer, I worked at a non-profit law firm that worked with cancer patients to help them navigate health law. I also worked at a piano store two summers ago, and was an intern at the Music Institute of Chicago.
Volunteer/Community service: I volunteer at a home for the blind every Sunday. I play music with them, do arts and crafts.
Summer Activities: (See work experience)
Essays (rating 1-10, details): I feel this is such a hard question to answer because obviously I’m subjective. I don’t know what my colleges are looking for, but I’ve had about 4 opinions on it, and the consensus seems to be “SO GOOD.” I wrote about my dilemma when I first started composing avant-garde style music because I did not know how to translate my emotions, likes, dislikes, etc. into music. Then I go into how I love politics and law because my dad is in prison and blah blah blah (It’s not a sob story, more like just stating a fact of my life) and how I ultimately decided to translate the complexities of politics into music.

Teacher Rec #1: Very good. From my American History/AP European History teacher.
Teacher Rec #2: Also great. From my French teacher. (Don’t worry, her English is amazing.)
Counselor Rec: 10/10. She loves me.


Applying for Financial Aid?: yeet
Intended Major: PoliSci
State (if domestic applicant): IL
School Type: Private performing arts high school in the city of Chicago
Ethnicity: White
Gender: F
Income Bracket: Lower Middle
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): My dad’s in prison? Half Israeli? Trilingual? Idk

Since you have applied financial aid and your statistics are kinda low, I think all of three schools you applied are kinda reach for ya. Since you ED UWashington, U Washington can be match for ya.Good essays and recommended letters are definitely helpful. Hope you will get in your dream school!

In my opinion, Barnard is a match and the other three are reaches. Good luck!

Thanks! I’ll post results as they come.

@Testingearly @JonathanChang Accepted to WashU ED!