<p>Okay this is a tad bit lengthy task, and only someone with good knowledge about universities good in C.E. would be able to pull it hence I call it a "Huge favor".</p>
<p>What I need you to do is?</p>
<p>Do a college search for me.</p>
<p>College</a> Admissions, Search, and Financial Aid Help from College Confidential - College Admissions, Search, and Financial Aid Help from College Confidential</p>
<p>There is only one filter : Tuition fees should be 20,000$ an year. For an "Outside US" student, that is what you have to select in the state drop down list.</p>
<p>That is it. </p>
<p>Look at all the universities there are present there, and tell me what are good ones.</p>
<p>I am not familliar with good colleges of US. The ones that I know of are like MIT, Harvard, Stanford, etc. i.e. they are very costly.</p>
<p>Hence I need someone with some experience/knowledge.</p>
<p>It would mean a lot to me.
PS - If I could paste the link to the page with results of the search, then I would.
PSS- Don't forget to look at all the colleges, not just first 10, or 20.</p>
<p>Thank you.</p>
<p>Simply from university fuzzy feelings, Iowa State, Univ South Florida (almost ended up there), U Minnesota Twin Cities, U Oklahoma. Iowa State probably the best choice.</p>
<p>Some others I know about are West Virginia, SUNY Bing, NDSU, and Arkansas.</p>
<p>This is an exercise you need to do for yourself. Look at websites and consider the following questions</p>
<li><p>financial aid required?</p></li>
<li><p>small or large school?</p></li>
<li><p>public or private school?</p></li>
<li><p>urban or small town environment?</p></li>
<li><p>geographic preferences?</p></li>
<p>Once you have answered this for yourself, you can start looking according to these criteria. Just remember one thing: for engineering, you need to be in an ABET accredited program. Colleges will say so if they are accredited.</p>
<p>Once you have a list, then people on this list can provide you with their opinions on whether you can get in. It is just an opinion, no one really knows except the admissions office.</p>
<p>ABET accreditation listings can be found at [ABET</a> -](<a href=“http://www.abet.org%5DABET”>http://www.abet.org) .</p>
<p>I know Xcray I should do it on my own.
Its just that I do not know what colleges are good.</p>
<p>I can see colleges that provide the degree, but are they any good? I mean in terms of quality.</p>
<p>Hence, I requested for this. I hope you my point.</p>
<p>Everyone, Thank you so much for replying!
Hope you get the college of your dreams!