Can someone explain Course Request to me?

<p>Hey, </p>

<p>I'm a transfer student for this upcoming fall, and I've been trying to register for classes for the longest time now. I'm transfering from VCU, and the system there was: once the day came that you could register for classes, you were able to sign up on your computer and if there was space you could enroll in that class, if there wasn't you couldn't. It was that simple. </p>

<p>Now on Hokie Spa I'm a little confused with the VT system. I went to orientation and thought I had signed up for all these classes but a few days later I noticed registration had closed and my "course request results" could be viewed. When I view them It shows that I was only enrolled for 1 of the 5 or so classes I thought I registered for. In the green box it says THESE COURSES WERE SCHEDULED and then it lists one course. And it says I'm only enrolled for 2 credit hours. </p>

<p>I just recently saw that I now have the ability to register for classes again, and I see in the Add/Drop window It still shows the classes I thought i signed up for, with the option to drop them. Am I signed up for these classes or what? I looked at the space left for some of them and one of them is -800 which I'm guessing means 800 over capacity and another had space left so I'm confused as to why they didn't show up in my course request results. </p>

<p>If someone could explain this process to me that would be greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>Hey, I transferred from VCU too! Anyway…
I believe that everyone has the option when their PID is active, even if they’re not enrolled or don’t complete course request. So this shouldn’t affect you at all since you did not complete course request. You should also see a message saying “THIS IS NOT YOUR CURRENT SCHEDULE” on this page, with a link to see your most current schedule. Use this to see what your classes are, since course request results will not change even if you change your schedule. Really, course request results should only be viewed when the results are available just to see what classes you got. After that, you should refer to the other schedule pages to see the most up to date version of your schedule.
The way course request works: Course request for the following semester is open for a week in October (for Spring) and March (Fall). You pick courses from the timetable and fill out the request page then submit it. There are a few theories regarding who gets what they request and what order requests are filled, so believe what you want. The results come out sometime in November for the Spring and April for the Fall. A little while after results come out, Add/Drop opens up. This is when you can change your schedule and sign up for other classes. Unfortunately, it is not like VCU’s system, but rather everyone tries to log on when the Add/Drop period opens up. Kind of ineffective, but the course request results are supposed to help ease the trouble. I don’t think it’s too much of a hassle though, for the most part, I’ve found there’s always a way to get classes you need to get.</p>

<p>Let me know if you have any other questions.</p>

<p>I click the link where it says “THIS IS NOT YOUR CURRENT SCHEDULE” and it’s been saying its unavailable for a few weeks now.</p>

<p>So let me just make this question simple…</p>

<p>Am I in JUST this class:
<a href=“http://i177.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/albums/w211/wrjosh88/course.png[/url]”>http://i177.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/albums/w211/wrjosh88/course.png&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>OR Am I currently enrolled in all these classes:
<a href=“http://i177.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/albums/w211/wrjosh88/course2.png[/url]”>http://i177.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/albums/w211/wrjosh88/course2.png&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>The first picture is the classes that you signed up for AND got. The second picture is the classes they put you in. If you like them keep them and you’re good to go. Otherwise scour add/drop.</p>

<p>Ok good to know. Thanks</p>