Can someone explain this?

<p>Penn</a> State University - Office of the University Registrar - Schedule of Courses: Course Search Results</p>

<p>For physics 250, there are 4 instructors. It seemed on RMP that 2 of them were actual professors and not TAs. Can anyone clarify this for me?</p>

<p>it could be that 2 of them are professors (are there only two sections of the class? if so, then that solves it), and the other two are TA’s. That’s how it is for BIOL 230W, anyway.</p>

<p>Wait, so there are 2 professors teaching the same class/section? How does that work? Like does one of them teach half the class ?</p>

<p>There are two professors for each of the two sections, one for each.</p>

<p>Each section (250L, where the L is for Lecture) is broken up into many different recitations (250R) taught by the TAs.</p>

<p>Right I know that there are two sections, but there are two professors listed as instructors for both of them.</p>