<p>I'd have to disagree...</p>
<p>UNC--Chapel Hill is smaller by half, in a college town rather than the city. It has a different culture, etc...I agree with mikemac and city.</p>
<p>UNC is also not much more expensive than UW and it is definately harder to get into, especially from out-of-state. Also, many of their programs at both the undergrad and grad school level are ranked higher than UW. Don't get me wrong, UW is a good school--it was my safety after all.</p>
<p>I'm just saying that the perception that UNC is only slightly better is like saying UC-Berkeley, UMichigan, UVA, UCLA are only slightly better as well. I'd have to disagree.</p>
<p>As for staying in-state, that's fine. But, college is the one time to move outside the Pacific Northwest bubble. To learn something new. To doff provincialism. You know, the stuff we Pafic Northwest people accuse those from the East Coast of doing. </p>
<p>Besides, with so many peers from high school going to UW, there is a greater chance that it will be like high school. I for one, do not want to be known as a dumb jock, but as a person. Somehow, peers in HS can't get past the fact that I can do other things--especially if it is "academic". For me, it is a chance to have a clean slate, and develp without some of the expectations that were foisted upon me by friends and well-meaning family.</p>
<p>I need to stay focused because I plan on going to grad school. If I went to UW, I would always be torn between obligations at home and those at school. I've done that in HS, and it did affect me--sometimes positively and sometimes negatively.</p>
<p>As for airfare and travel that another poster mentioned, it really is not that bad. I personally loved traveling to NYC, Chicago, Nashville, Boston, Providence, etc...and staying in the dorms (with HS peers) is different than staying in dorms with people you did not go to HS with. No preconcieved notions, no expectations, etc...you have to find your own footing. Also, most HS relationships statistically do not last much past the first year, so the significant-other thing is neutral at best.</p>
<p>Getting into UNC is definately harder than finding a boyfriend/girlfriend, especially from out-of-state.</p>
<p>Again, just my two cents.
<p>PS--there is not an advantage for med school admissions for UW undergrads.
PPS--how do you know that it is a fit when you have lived you whole life in Seattle? Just curious. I'm not sure that anywhere is a perfect fit and I've been to every state.</p>