<p>So, I was in midddle of the a game when the power went off......and my computer just wont start anymore....I can still access the BIOS....but the computer will only start as far as the boot screen then it will restart again.....and again....and I cannt not start in safe mode or any other mode either....I tried a lot of things......and there is this black screen telling me that "sorry, you computer will not start properly"....what is wrong??????</p>
<p>and how do I fix it?????? I dont wont to reformat or whatever since I hae a lot of important files on the computer....please help me....I am desperate.....</p>
<p>P.S- the motherboard is Asus and the cpu is 3.0 GHz HT, operating system is windows XP (sp2)......the PC maker is sony.....</p>
<p>You need to check all the boot settings to make sure everything is set correctly. It might have reset all the settings when it abruptly powered off. However, see if it is under warranty because that would be the best way to go about fixing it.</p>
<p>The same thing happened to me two times, but I was able to get onto the desktop. The only problem was that everything on the desktop was absolutely gone. I had to reformat my hardrive, but I was able to take the important documents that I had off of my computer. Usually to get important stuff off of the computer you will have to work in MS_DOS mode. The second time this happened I was able to save my computer from being formated. Try pressing Ctrl Alt Delt while turning on the computer. Also try pressing F8 and see if a list of commands comes up. If you get this list you can start windows from the "last known best configuration". Choosing this setting usually gets your computer back to where it left off. I hope these tips can help you on your problem. It helped me on mine.</p>