Can someone please Chance an OOS Student?????

<p>I'm a senior from Maine.
My Stats
GPA: Unweighted 88.5/100
I canceled my weighted GPA of 99 because I was able to cancel my class ranking, top 60%. My school was weird because since I transferred from a different school the dropped these two.</p>

CR: 590
M: 730
W: 500</p>

Captain of Football Team (12)
Football (9-12)
Track (10-11)
Baseball (9 and 12)
Tennis (11)
Science Club (11)
Worked 30 hr's a week during summer and 20 hrs. a week during school year
Volunteered 60 hrs. before senior year during summer</p>


<p>If you don’t get in, I’ll be shocked.</p>

<p>I’m OOS also,</p>

<p>Male from South Carolina
UW GPA: 3.4
W GPA. 3.9
Top 30% of 300+</p>

<p>SAT I:
CR: 600
M: 590
W: 650</p>

<p>Varsity Soccer (9) Varsity Tennis Captain (10) JV Baseball (10)
(unable to play sports all four years because of frequent moving)</p>

<p>Worked 20 hours/week since 10th grade

  • some other fairly insignificant EC’s</p>


<p>any more people? Could someone chance me?</p>

<p>PBoland, search the FSU pages here on CC and look for a link to calculate your FSU GPA. It is the only one that counts. It includes only core courses (4 english, 4 science, 2-4 language, 4 history/social studies, 4 math. Additional core courses (if you took more than 4 math, science etc) can be used, but they use no electives (PE, health, art, architecture, psych, music/band/chorus, business, etc). They do use weighting. Your FSU GPA will help us to better chance you. You can call FSU admissions and they will tell you your FSU GPA if you don’t want to search the board for the link that explains it (the link for calculating it has been posted 15-20 times in the past 9 months). </p>

<p>I say this because your GPA is low for OOS (unless you have many AP classes); your Math SAT is great, but your CR is OK and your writing (which FSU now counts in its determination) is the absolute minimun needed to be considered for instate (and they hold OOS students to higher standards. I have to say, if you did not apply and get in with the early applitation period, you are a strong maybe. </p>

<p>FSU places alot of weight on strength of schedule. What AP classes will you have completed by graduation? What are you interested in majoring? What makes you tick other than sports? Just trying to get an idea of who you are. It seems to matter to FSU.</p>

<p>Anymore help, I’m interested in Pre-med/Biology. I heard FSU just completed a new medical school as well as a new biology/research building. Any info on these two?</p>

<p>D1 graduated from FSU and will enter FSU Med in May. The med school is now about eight years old. See: [Florida</a> State University College of Medicine (COM)](<a href=“]Florida”> She selected FSU Med over a number of other med schools due to its focus on medically underserved populations.</p>

<p>She graduated with a degree in biochemistry and was in the honors program. She performed substantial research, including funded research, as an undergraduate.</p>

<p>FSU greatly facilitates ug research.</p>

<p>If you have any other questions just ask.</p>

<p>any more help would be great.</p>