Can someone please explain the UC top 9%?

<p>Hi guys! Rising senior here, and of course that means college apps are coming up pretty soon. Up until recently I was completely sure of the colleges I was going to apply to (just a few CSUs) because I KNEW I would never stand a chance at a UC. Well, at least I THOUGHT I knew. Anyway, tonight I was talking with one of my friends, and he was telling me how you can go to this website ( [University</a> of California - Statewide path](<a href=“]University”> ) and put in your stats. The website will then tell you if you’re in the top 9% of students or not, and if you ARE then you’re guaranteed admission to a UC as long as there’s room. So, just to humor him, I went to the website and put in my stats (3.67 10-11 UC GPA and a 1730 SAT with a 540CR, 630M, and 560W). I was surprised to find that I (barely) made it in the top 9% </p>

<p>Now, I’m still a little bit confused as I don’t know EXACTLY how this works or what it means. I just don’t understand how this could mean anything as great as “guaranteed admission” when I have a not-so-great GPA and a barely-above-average SAT - I have to be missing something. The only UCs that even offer my intended major (Nursing) are UCLA and UCI - would I even stand a chance at admission into either of those campuses? Should I even bother applying? Sorry if this is a silly question or if I sound completely ignorant; like I said before, I haven’t really done much research on UCs. </p>

<p>Thank you for any answers! At this point, I’m really just hoping this post makes sense because it’s 4:18 in the morning as I type this and my brain turns off around 2.</p>

<p>If you’re in the top 9%, you’re guaranteed admission to one UC campus. This doesn’t have to be one that you want to go to. It just means that if you’re in the top 9%, apply, and get rejected to all UCs you’ve applied to, you’ll be offered a spot at another UC. Nowadays that’s Merced (used to be Riverside, don’t know if that still applies now).</p>

<p>If I were you I’d try for UCI at least, even if your chances aren’t all that high. You could try for UCLA too if you want, but know that your chances are lower there. You never know until you try, though.</p>

<p>Okay, I understand now. Thank you PhantomVirgo! </p>

<p>I had a feeling the “guarantee” would be to a less prestigious/reputable UC. It’s just unfortunate that neither UCM nor UCR have my intended major. </p>

<p>I think I may try for UCI, but I’d like some more input on my chances. I’ve always been commended for my writing by my English teachers and my Business teacher, so hopefully some killer essays could make up for my GPA/SAT.</p>