<p>Just wondering what a decent score for getting into UT for premed or a biology degree is? If you could give me a range that would be helpful. My daughter is getting ready to take the SAT and is a junior.</p>
<p>Just wondering what a decent score for getting into UT for premed or a biology degree is? If you could give me a range that would be helpful. My daughter is getting ready to take the SAT and is a junior.</p>
<p>Well if she lives in Tx and is in top 10% then she is automatically admitted. But 600’s would be good. 700’s to be much safer</p>
<p>Getting into the College of Liberal Arts or the College of Natural Sciences (to be a biology major) is not the hard part. The hard part is getting into UT all if you are not in the top 10% of a Texas high school graduating class. Over 91% of the the students admitted are admitted automatically because they came from the top 10%. That leaves only 9% of the spots left to be shared between out of staters, international students, and Texas students who were not in the top 10% of their classes, some of whom have great grades and SAT scores. </p>
<p>If you are from outside of Texas, your high school guidance counselor should have information on what typical SAT scores are for out of state students. UT will use a combination of what they calculate to be your Academic Index and your Personal Achievement Index to determine whether or not you will be admitted.
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-texas-austin/569013-how-ut-chooses-its-not-top-10-students-2007-report.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-texas-austin/569013-how-ut-chooses-its-not-top-10-students-2007-report.html</a></p>
<p>Thanks, she is top 10 % and very well rounded with basketball, cross country and track in highschool plus sings, plays guitar, keyboard, writes and has recorded her own music, student council, lots of community service, praise team at church, mission work including going to Africa this summer on a mission trip and is a senior counselor at a Christian summer kids camp. Also going to a Congressional Youth Leadership Council Forum in March of this year. She is just scared that her scores won’t be high and she is in a small Christian school with only 40 in her junior class.</p>
<p>Thanks for your answers.
<p>Dana, if she’s top 10% in Texas, they don’t care what else she does/doesn’t have going for her …</p>
<p>She is top 10% now but was number four in her class. There is always the chance someone could jump in front of her and she could be number 5 out of 40 which takes her just out of the top ten and also next year there could be 39 or 38 if two leave or something. How do the schools respond to that?</p>
<p>This happened to my son, though not at the 10% level. He moved up in rank last year but down in percentile because kids left his school. :(</p>
<p>My understanding is that UT will take your six-semester transcript (end of junior year) for admission under top 10%, and, if you move up to top 10% after the fall of your senior year, they’ll take that, too. Someone correct me if I’m wrong …</p>
<p>OP, you say she is in a Christian school, i.e., private–then the top 10% guarantee doesn’t apply. It only extends to public school kids. So your daughter will fall into the very small, very competitive discretionary pool. She needs to keep up the good work and make the very best SAT scores she can make. </p>
<p>Actually, the figures for the 2008 freshman class were 81% top 10% and 19% non-top 10%. The mean SAT score for non-top 10% was 1285 (compared to 1219 for top 10%). You can get all of the current data from the November 2008 report here: <a href=“Home - University of Texas Admissions”>Home - University of Texas Admissions;
<p>A good exercise for your daughter to undertake now would be to review the pre-requisites for non-top 10% admissions, and especially because you are coming from a private school, to double-check the high school course requirements to make sure she is on track with the required number of years in foreign language, science, etc. All of that information is contained in the above-cited report, and of course, at the UT admissions site:
[Freshmen</a> | Freshmen | Be a Longhorn](<a href=“http://bealonghorn.utexas.edu/freshmen/]Freshmen”>http://bealonghorn.utexas.edu/freshmen/)</p>
<p>Yea the top 10% rule only applies to public high schools. But regarding the way UT considers top 10, the rank 18 at my school was considered top 10% out of a class of 179. Although that is not how percentiles are supposed to work, UT still considered her an auto admit.</p>
<p>That is weird that you guys all say the top 10% only applies to public schools. We have 38 in this year’s senior class and three have gotten their letters of acceptance from UT and three have gotten letters from A & M and several are not in the top 10%. They are just barely out of it. They are well rounded students with lots of extra curriculars and I have no clue about their SAT or ACT grades. Over the last couple of years, we have had several from each class get accepted to both universities and my husband feels that they see a trend and see that these kids are doing well, even though they have come from a small private school and that does play a role in their decision. Anyone have a comment on that. </p>
<p>Also, she is on track for the requirements for UT and is in dual credit classes, although we do not have as many dual credit class opportunities as public schools. She is taking everything that our school as to offer and someone told me that the universities don’t discriminate against you going to a school with less opportunities, but that they do discriminate if you have not taken the hardest classes that are offered at your private school.</p>
<p>Are y’all sure it’s only public schools? From the UT website: “The Texas Top 10% Law (HB 588) requires the automatic admission of any student graduating in the
top 10% of an accredited Texas high school.” </p>
<p>Private schools can be accredited.</p>
<p>Also, dana, A&M not only has a top 10% component but also an academic admit component that guarantees admission to any student in the top quarter of his/her class and has a CR+M SAT of 1300. Perhaps those students fell under that category. See here: </p>
<p>[Academic</a> Admits](<a href=“http://admissions.tamu.edu/freshmen/gettingin/waysAdmitted/academic.aspx]Academic”>http://admissions.tamu.edu/freshmen/gettingin/waysAdmitted/academic.aspx)</p>
<p>Yes, so sorry, I mispoke about privates as it applies to this OP’s situation. Re-reading more carefully, I see your daughter’s school ranks. Many privates don’t rank, thus the top 10% rule doesn’t apply to them. As the number of top 10% freshman continues to increase, making the pool smaller, some non-ranking privates are moving to ranking.</p>
<p>OP, your daughter sounds motivated and appears to be a hard worker. She should do well.</p>
<p>Yes, our private school is accredited. Thanks for the info. All has been beneficial.
Thanks, Dana</p>
<p>Guess I am not very good with acronyms. What does OP stand for? Thanks, Dana</p>
<p>Dana, OP = “original poster” i.e. YOU :)</p>
<p>Thanks. I appreciate everyones replies.</p>