Can Stamps invites post their stats please?

<p>SAT Score: XXXX/2400; XXXX/1600 (CR and Math)
Nation Merit?
School Rank
AP Credits
Any significant ECs</p>

<p>Thank you so much.</p>

<p>BTW, I got Singers invite not Stamps invite. Just curious as to why I did not make the cut.</p>

<p>SAT IIs, too, please. I would love to see SINGER invites’ stats as well.</p>

SAT I: XXXX/2400; XXXX/1600 (CR and Math)
AP Credits:
Nation Merit?:
School Rank:
Any significant ECs:</p>

<p>Singer only.</p>

<p>SAT I - 1470 (M/R) 2240 total
SAT II Math 800
National Merit Commended
School does not rank or have GPA’s</p>

<p>SAT I: 2240/2400; 1500/1600 (CR and Math)
SAT II: 780 in Chem; 780 Math 2
AP Credits: 15, AP National Scholar
National Merit: Commended
School Rank: # 1 out of 636
Any significant ECs: Too many to list. Simens SF.</p>

<p>Stamps/Singer invite
SAT Score: N/A (35 ACT)
Nation Merit? Commmended
School Rank: School doesn’t rank but 4.0UW/4.62W
AP Credits: All 5s on the ones i’ve taken; 5 more this year
Any significant ECs: 2x varsity lacrosse captain, created charity through lacrosse, state championship science team, many more</p>

<p>Are you guys all in the music school? I only ask because the Stamps Scholarship doesn’t show up on the UM website for general merit scholarships… maybe they just haven’t updated it yet.</p>

<p>No. Stamps is not a music scholarship. It seems to be a top of the top merit scholarship and appears to be new for this year. As satacer thinks, it seems to be mainly based on ACT an or SAT scores, or at least you have to score extremely high to be considered.</p>

<p>Daughter’s stats for Stamps/Singer:
35 ACT (did not take SAT)
750’s on SAT 2’s (bio/math2)
Rank 3/300
All 5’s on AP’s taken so far
Strength is definitely EC’s…strong, meaningful volunteer work. I think passion showed through on essays definitely supported by EC’s.</p>


<p>Please look at the ACT-SAT conversion chart.<br>
[ACT-SAT</a> Concordance](<a href=“]ACT-SAT”>The ACT Test for Students | ACT)
A score of 35 in ACT translates to 1540 + in SAT. I do not have that score. I have rest of the stats. It is really sort of painful to see that they exclude you for 40 points. One math qn and one CR question could have made me earn it. LOL!</p>

<p>Daughter’s stats for Stamps/Singer

SAT I: 2230/2400; 1520/1600 (CR and Math)
SAT II: none taken
ACT: 33 composite (35 in Science)
AP Credits:3 taken ~ all 5's, 3 more this year
Nation Merit: Commended
School Rank: 6/267
All courses taken were AP, honors or SUPA (Syracuse University)&lt;/p&gt;