Can students install window ac units in dorms?

<p>Does anyone know if you are allowed to install window ac units ? My daughter's roommate is suggesting to buy one - she knows of other kids doing this. Any insight would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>They told me on the tour but I forgot. Make sure though that they really need an AC, because all the kids told me that they never needed more than a fan. Theres not really many hot days in PA during the school year.</p>

<p>Thanks - they are doing the leap program June 26 - Aug 10th so I think they might need some AC.</p>

<p>Penn State doesn’t allow the installation of personal air conditioners in the dorms. The only way you get one is a documented medical need.</p>

<p>Medical Accommodations</p>

<p>Special Accommodations</p>

<p>Penn State provides a climate of equal opportunity to all of its programs, activities, and services, and is in full compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. To this end, Penn State provides accessible housing for students with disabilities as defined by these laws. To qualify for protection under these laws, the student must provide documentation from a qualified examiner that substantiates that he or she has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity and that the requested accommodation is necessary to afford the student equal access. To be considered for a special accommodation, once the student has an accepted Housing Contract, the documentation must be received on or before the following dates per the semester for which the request is made:</p>

<p>Fall Semester: June 15
Spring Semester: December 1
Summer Sessiom: June 1</p>

<p>Here’s a link to the form that need to be submitted for approval for air conditioning.</p>

<p><a href=“Home Page | LiveOn”>Home Page | LiveOn;

<p>Thank you for the information! Greatly appreciated !</p>